We attended an award ceremony for select kids and we were beaming proud when MiniWarrior was called up for an award in Language/Literature :)
This is a huge triumph for him as, if you understand Autism, one of the major deficits Autistics have is in language interpretation.
Did I mention how proud I am of him? :)
Tuesday, he and I are flying to Minnesota to visit my brother and his family. MiniWarrior is very excited to be flying again and to see his favorite cousins. This too is a triumph. Up until this past year it was not possible to take him on an extended vacation (away from his home comforts) without a great deal of stress.
I am still taking precautions in that I am renting a car and staying in a hotel with him so that if he should become overwhelmed and need complete defrag-from-people time we can leave immediately and head back to the quiet of the hotel room.
*sigh* Our MiniWarrior is growing up, Peeps. And as he is now officially an inch taller than me now--not so "mini" anymore.

MiniWarrior and his favorite cat, Harry.