MW is very excited as he adores his cousin. They've been racing around the house playing hide and seek, pausing only to play frantic games of Mario on their Ds, then off they race, running around again!
It's been wonderful having another girl in the house :) She's been dressing poor GabbyAbby in all the silly dresses I have collected along the way, hugging her close as if she is a living doll.
Gabby politely purrs while shooting me pleading looks, longing for escape.
Last night we took the kids to the Portland Zoo Christmas lights. You can see pics of it Here:
Today I'm taking MW and the Niece over to my hair dressers place to get their hair done. MW is being a great sport and has agreed to get his hair done along with his cousin because he knows she is excited about it.
It's not even Christmas yet, Peeps--but this has been one of the best Christmas's ever. :)
Heeeelp meeee...!
sounds like you have the perfect atmosphere there-
god miss it
((HUG)) you're the best!!
My face can't stop smiling for you! What a great Holiday Season!!
Jadey: Gabby was a great sport but definitely glad when my Niece went home!! LOL :D *hugsss right back at ya* :D
Terri: Face exercises!!! and a one two three two three four :D Happy New Year to you and yours!!!
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