Merry Christmas! The cats in the tree are funny. I think this is a genetic drive they have to destroy decorations. Fat Luey continually causes my village pieces to fall insisting he lay exactly where they are. :/
Happy Holidays to you too! We have a copy of Santa and the reindeer singing "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas." Someone sent it to us this morning. It must be a popular one!
lol! love the song, love the cats! i wish you and MiniWarrior and your kitties a very happy and safe holiday.
Aafrica: Merry Christmas, Aafrica! :)
Merry Christmas! The cats in the tree are funny. I think this is a genetic drive they have to destroy decorations. Fat Luey continually causes my village pieces to fall insisting he lay exactly where they are. :/
Those tree-destroying cats are too familiar. It's wrong. Wrong!
Have a wonderful Christmas!
Mei Lian: So far I've been lucky. My Guido has just chosen to hide under the tree and ignores the ornaments.
Loofa: it cracks me up that these people decorated the tree just for their cats!! LOL
Merry Christmas, Lula!
Meowy christmas to you & your family too!!!
Merry Christmas, Jade and thank you!
Happy Holidays to you too! We have a copy of Santa and the reindeer singing "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas." Someone sent it to us this morning. It must be a popular one!
Oh, right - this is Theresa
Theresa: I love that singing santa! My Mom sent it to me so I'm guessing you are right--I wonder how far and how often its traveled?
Thank you. :)
Love your cats! So cute..
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