Here it is, Folks. The official last week of 2006. Can you believe it?
I can.
So many big, life changing events have happened this year that it feels like 10 years have been shoved into 1.
I don't wish to repeat it. But I've learned from it.
What have I learned?
I am stronger then I imagined.
I am more vulnerable then I imagined.
I have learned that while I can make it through life independently...
it's much nicer and easier to share my independence with close friends.
I used to cling to my past, marking my years with journals and
I have discovered that all it has done is weigh me down and prevent
me from living my life as I wish, baggage free.
What have I done?
I have begun to teach myself the art of speaking kindly to myself.
I have begun to teach myself to share burdens.
I have weeded through old journals and old photo's and burned the
one's that have been weighing me down.
I have begun to teach myself how to enjoy life just for today's
happiness and close my mind to future events. Good or bad.
This is my New Years list I have begun several months ago to work upon.
I feel stronger.
I feel more content.
I feel...optimistic.
Here's to the year 2007, Folks.
May it bring you all you need.
All the things you didn't know you wanted.
And the strength and good friends to work through and share
whatever life brings you.

So you take a break, then I take a mini-break, and suddenly I haven't been here in months!
Your year has been a successful one on many levels, hasn't it? I'm glad for you; you're more than deserving, Friend.
And oh, the days of babies in jammies on Christmas morning. Now I'm lucky if they pull on a pair of sleeping pants over their boxer briefs.
Time certainly flies while you're busy parenting...
Your pictures of decorated boats were beautiful. We here in the Great Tundra have a ridiculous tradition known as the "Holidazzle Parade," wherein idiots -- er, residents -- bundle up to watch a gigantic PARADE in the middle of the night. In the cold.
People journey from miles around to participate in the festivities.
We do not.
Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Cheers Babe,
come back to that old MSN whore sometime.
Katatonic is also known as katsoup:)
Well said.
I am beginning to realize that there is no room for the new when you are all filled up with the past. I haven't really acted on it, yet; but I am moving in that direction. the in-between space where I am currently dwelling is really pretty immobilizing. I am glad to hear you are making the leap. I am sure you will be way happier. Now, on to 2007!
Damn, you got an early start on your resolutions, and you've already started implementing them ahead of schedule! You must be eager for this year to be over, because it sounds like you're more than ready to tackle a new one. I have an idea how you feel. Cheers to the end of 2006!
Kay: This year has been filled with equal good and bad. I'm glad to see it gone :)
I had to laugh at the "pair of sleeping pants over boxer briefs" Miniwarrior has begun requesting to "sleep without a shirt" so I think he's quickly joining the boxer-man-sleep-attire ranks!!
Your parade sounds...um...like something people would do when trapped for months end in a snow filled state! ha ha ha
Have a wonderful new year!
Laoch: thank you :) Happy New Year to you and may this year bring you and your brother health and peace.
DavidShag: I wish you all the best in your weeding of your past from your future pockets :) It really has lightened my outlook on life leaving old stuff behind.
May you find peace and joy in this next year :)
these are truly mottos i should learn to live by. thanks Kat. and Happy New Year to you too!
Loofa: LOL--you guessed it. I will breathe a sigh of relief when 2006 is officially gone. Usually I'm a clinger--but I've already got my foot firmly wedged on 2006's backside and have been shoving it as hard as I can out the door! :)
I know that 2007 will come with its own form of trials but I'm going to try hard to enjoy the moments of happiness with loved ones and not worry about what will come.
Peace, my friend. And...get thee to the soup kitchen and talk to the gentle one!! :D
Bob: Ah! A man who knows how to toast the new year in right!!
I will fill a champagne glass with Martini and Rossi and "clink" a toast your way at midnight :)
Much love and joy to you in this upcoming New Year!
Aafrica: Cheers!!
Happy New Year!!
GBS: Happy New Year to you too!! :)
Happy New Year, Kat!
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