For those of you who's Wednesday is just a Humpday (the 13 year old in me giggles that word) who are experiencing bitterness at my rubbing in the fact today is my FRIDAY *cough-rub rub-cough*...know this...
My days of having Wednesdays as my Fridays is soon coming to an end. BOO! :(
After 16 years I am moving from my Engineer position to an Admin position with another group...provided they finally send me my offer letter *mutter*...
Normal hours: no more getting up at 4:30AM for long 10 hour days.
Normal work days: Monday-Friday. No more weekends and no more Holidays :D
I'm tired, Peeps. I'm feeling my age and am ready for some normalcy.
It does seem odd to leave the group I've been in for the past 16 years, but I'm ready.
I'm embracing change, Peeps :)
A dawning of a new era.

Congrats on your new lifestyle - I bet the benefits will outweigh your losses. :)
Nie, congratulations
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