I had a big bash at my house New Years Eve. Most excellent way to start out a new year spending it with close friends and my furry loved ones.
Good times. Good times.
I feel good about this new year. I have no new resolutions other then the ones I previously posted. I am just going to enjoy wringing the most fun I possibly can out of this new year.
Cheers, Folks!

Hi Kat! I used to have a space called "Laura's Journal" and kept in contact amongst the old circle with indigo, oddsandends, edgykay and yourself among others whose names I've now forgotten. I've been gone for well over a year...I'm trying to come back, to get plugged back in and back in touch with all of you interesting people. I tried to find indigo first - where is she? She appears to be gone..
Laura: Welcome back :) I don't know what happened with Indigo's space. It was up until a week ago then "poofed". I miss her already!
Are you starting up your space again? Let me know if you are and I'll visit :)
Happy New Year and cheers to wringing as much enjoyment from the year as is possible!
A bash!
cheers! wishing you the best wringing!
Loofa: I'll toast to that! :)
Laoch: Huzzah!!! Bashes be grand!
Aafrica: Thank you! May your year be filled with fun wringing, also :)
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