I realized this morning that it's been awhile since I've sat down and had a chat with you all.
*sets out plates and coffee cups and doles out slices of coffee cake*
So, how's everyone been?
Got all your Christmas shopping done, yet?
I've finished except for the odds and ends that I'll snap up along the way to fill in the extra spaces in Christmas stockings.
It's crazy out there, Peeps. People rushing to and fro. Driving like maniacs, not thinking cuz their heads are filled with Holiday plans.
I know this to be true as the other day I stopped for gas in Oregon.
Oregon has a law that you can't pump your own gas (this law was created after a man in the 70's poured gasoline on himself at a gas station and set himself on fire).
So, I was sitting waiting for my tank to be filled. My guy had gone into the store to pay for it. I saw him walk back and give something to the gas station attendant then said "thanks" and the attendant walked away. My guy climbed into my truck, I spoke with him for a minute, then turned on my engine and proceeded to drive away.
Someone honked their car horn. I looked to see if I had accidentally cut someone off but no...so I continued to move forward.
People started yelling and waving their hands at me. I turned and looked at my guy all puzzled like, he shrugged in response...the gas station attendant zoomed over and rapped on my driver window.
Apparently, he was still pumping gas in my truck!
So. I had to backup and sit there like an idiot while men shot me "dumb blond" looks followed by the patronizing shake of their heads.
My guy was having a lot of fun teasing me over my embarrassment until I shot back with his getting an embarrassing speeding ticket over Thanksgiving weekend with his
parents in the car...lame I know--but a girls gotta use what ammo she has at hand. Which he then countered with a listing of my speeding tickets I've acquired since he's known me.
I countered with, "Yeah but I never got one with my
parents in the car"...which he then topped with "Yeah but
I've never been put in
Time Out by a Cop"...
Hmmph. Yeah, well he got me there.
More coffee, anyone?