Two Names You Go By: Mom and Kat
Things You Are Wearing Right Now: Black Adidas jogging pants, black Nike shirt. I just got back from a long walk! *pant pant*
Two things you want (or have) in a relationship: Loyalty and humor and an intense understanding of my Hello Kitty needs.
Two of Your Favorite Things to do: Write and Read
Two things you did last night: Watched a movie and stayed up WAY too late. (I'm using Bob-a-roos answer cuz that's exactly what I did!! lol Watched Jason And The Argonauts. Turns out it's a 4 hour movie!!!
Two people you Last Talked To: Lord V and MiniWarrior
Two Things You're doing tomorrow: Pack for new house. Bring MiniWarrior swimming.
Two Longest Car Rides: From Washington to Mexico and Washington to Florida!
Two Favorite Drinks: Coffee with two Splendas and hazelnut creamer. Diet Sierra Mist.
Two Things About Me you may not have known: I was once a Mime. I used to have a Madonna space between my teeth. A most excellent water shooter!
Two jobs I have had in my life: Grade School Director, Baker (for my college)
Two Movies I would watch over and over: Parent Trap, Transporter 2 (purrrr purrrr)
Two of my favorite foods: Clam Chowder, Filet Mignon
Two places I'd rather be right now: the new house and Maui
OK. There ya go Bob and Cindy!

Thanks for playing!
Hazelnut creamer ROCKS! That's how I have my coffee but I don't and any sweetener.
An excellent list! It is a few more nuggets leading to the understanding of what makes Kat purr!
a mime?? most fascinating!
Cindy: YAY! A fellow hazelnut lover :D
Mei Lian: I'm a super size McD's nugget pack...crispy fried goodness wedged into a small box :D
Aafrica: yes...yes it's a dark part of my past (lol)
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