I filled out a crapload of paperwork and paid my 20 bucks.
I followed the nurse back to the doctors office.
She paused by the scale to weigh me.
"I'm here so you guys can make me feel better, not worse!" I groused.
"Oh. HEE HEE HEE HEE." She giggled while the gleeful sadistic wench recorded my weight onto my permanent record.
Freakin McDonalds luring me in with their new golden fried chicken biscuit breakfast sandwich.
The doc came in, poked at my swollen glands and said,"Does that hurt?"
"Yes!" I growled to which he responded with a rusty doctor chuckle and said,"Yeah, I imagine so...har har har."
Evil Sadist Bastard.
He kept asking me if I wanted a note for work. Three times, in fact.
Do I look like I'm 12 and need a doctors note? WTF?
He scratched out a prescription for penicillin and sent me on my way.
Fricken horse sized pills.
Freakin sickness on my weekend.
*mutter* *grumble* *mutter*
On a humorous note....
I called MiniWarrior at his Dads house on Tuesday while I was at work.
During the course of our conversation I mentioned that I was sick and at work.
"I'm sorry, Mom. That sucks that you feel bad."
"Thanks, Son."
"How old do you have to be to be retired?"
"Oh, about 65."
"Would you get arrested if you retired before 65?"
"Nope. You can retire whenever you have enough money so you don't have to work anymore."
"I'm saving my allowance so I can retire at 40!"
Hehehe. The kid kills me.
Kills. Me.