I swear I can hear it cry as I separate it from its mother and plink it into my mouth.
I am, however, not completely heartless--as I quickly consume the larger segment (after chomping the baby segment) so they can be together again inside my tummy.
I'm currently accepting donations for therapy sessions.

Sometimes an orange is just an orange.
WOW!! Sounds like you need to listen to more Country music!! That will kill that guilt!! LOL I swear to 'Hank Williams', I'm a'gonna convert you!!
I just put a Buffett 'country' song on my space that I think you will love (tolerate?), or at the least have a good laugh at!!
And as a reminder, there is NO *sniffling* in Spaces! HAH!
Hope you're having a nice week!
Laochie: unless its juice! (ok. seriously. That was the only comback I had for that one!)
Bob-a-roo: No! I blame Country music!! *runs around screaming with my hands flung in the air*
LIAR!!!!! lol! I know you are relaxing on the couch, 'scritching' yourself! Oh Wait!! That came out WRONG!!!
Ummmm...... Nevermind! But Bob-A Roo KNOWS!!! *Kat paw tapping*....
i'm sure mommy orange was more than grateful that someone had finally peeled away that clinging child off her back.
Bob-a-roo: :O !! Looks for the nanny blog cam. No spyin on me!
Aafrica: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!
Thanks Kat, Happt Mother's Day to you too!
BIG (((Hugs)))
OK sorry That should read "HAPPY"
And what do you do with an egg with two yolks?
Grinning Dragon
Cindy: :) thank you!
Dragonlady: nnnnnnnnnnnoooooo! Covers my ears. la la la la laaaaa!
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