*pumps fist*
I stayed up til 11:30 Saturday night playing Lego Indiana Jones (it rawks!) which made it very hard to get up at 5am for work.
I received an email from Lord V Sunday morning saying:
"I actually woke up expecting to find you on the couch like a robot playing video games instead of at work."
I have gaming needs, Peeps! NEEDS! I haven't even started on Orange Box yet!
Lay~oakie help us all!

I didn't think they were still selling the 80g one...
Josh bought one (40g) a while ago and it's awesome! I can play it easily, so it's awesome. But I don't, because my vice is blogging, not video games.
Sue: they just pushed new 80gig ones out a week ago. It has the updated firmware that allows chat/web browsing etc...
I love playing games. It helps me relax as I'm hyper and can't sit very long without actively doing something :)
Very cool!
lay~oakie: it tis!!
Total Drool....
and as far as HalfLife,...
are there Geekasims ?
-Played it, not as good as the first but still gravity gun goodness!!!
I think he is SO good lookin'
why suppress a passion when so many people in the world don't have any? i'd say go all out for it!
I'm not much of a gamer....The closest I get to that is playing on pogo....LOL!
Don't worry about the 3-peats, it's easy enough to delete the extras.
I now swear by my mister thing, so I think it will save you on the 4th. (((hugs)))
Jadey: I played Halflife2 for a little bit on the PS3...I'm gonna have to get used to moving with the left handed joystick and looking around with the right hand one. I keep forgetting to look!! ARGH.
Aafrica: I embrace your words as my new religion!! :D
Cindy: Hmm..what is pogo?
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