As he is Autistic--it's been a labor because he spaces out and forgets to pedal and he doesn't get the whole "center your body so you don't tip over" thing.
Lord V and I took turns running beside MiniWarrrior, frantically hanging on to his bike and shoving ourselves against it to hold him upright. It was exhausting to say the least.
Monday evening I received a call from MiniWarriors Dad telling me that MiniWarrior had something to tell me.
Hi Mom!
Hi Baby.
Guess what?
I learned to ride my bike!
You did?!
Yep, I sure did!
Oh my gosh! Congratulations, Son!
Thanks, Mom! I did like you said. I remember you sayin' about that kid who took 2 weeks to learn and how sometimes he fell and skinned his knees but he didn't give up and guess what?
What, Hun.
I didn't give up!
I'm so proud of you!
Yep. Me too. I'm proud too!
Wait. Wait. I've got to tell Lord V.
*bellowing up to Lord V in his library*
*proud little boy giggle on the phone*
Thank you!
I didn't give up, Mom. Just like you tole me. I didn't give up.
I'm all sorts of proud, Peeps. I got sappy, proud Momma tears.
Our MiniWarrior rocks.

A big aaaaaaah! To that! :)
eyes welling up....
Catwoman: *big grin!*
Jadey: I know. I was sniffling while writing this post :)
Tessa says "Congrats MiniWarrior!"
And I say "Aww So sweet!" A very proud Momma moment for sure....
(((Hugs))) to you both
Very pleasing.
Cindy and Tessa: MiniWarrior says, "Thanks!" (with a big grin) and hugssss
Laochie: :) hes a great kid.
I hope you got photos in training...they'll be the most fun to show his Prom Date one day.
what a child! now i'm inspired.
Colleen: ME without a camera?? ha ha ha ha! rest assured, the momentos have been taken and burned for future! :D
Aafrica: Later today I might try and capture a tiny bit of him vs bike on video.
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