Thanks to everyone for your well wishes to me during my sickies.
I seem to have conquered the flu bug that held me in its grip last week...and successfully (?) passed it onto Lord V. (sorry, Hun)
So far MiniWarrior remains unscathed. I hope this stays that way through the upcoming Thanksgiving weekend!
I had some sad news when I returned to work this morning. Seems one of my coworkers from our team in the South, suddenly passed away this weekend. Apparently she had been battling cancer. I had no idea as there was not a day that hasn't gone by where I haven't seen an email from her detailing some network issue she was working on.
I'm trying to wrap my head around the fact that she is gone.
It's not clicking.
It's unfathomable to me how a person can one day be here and then gone.
There has been a lot of loss this year.
I think the Universe is in the RED karma wise.
She better start filling up the gaps she's been leaving behind or she and I are gonna have a pissed off kat on her back moment. ;)
Ever have an angry feline on your back?
MMmm hmm.
It's a scarring experience.
I'm just sayin...