My name is HaphazardKat.
I am addicted to Photography and WoW (world of warcraft).
I have neglected my blog Peeps.
I have neglected my overflowing laundry baskets.
My conversations with Lord V consist of:
"Yes, Hun. Just a minute. I have to finish this quest"
"Check this one out! I took it with my iPhone!"
"I'll help you with that in a minute. I gotta finish my kill and get to a safe place..."
It's not pretty, Peeps.
And all its ugly faces.
Send help.
And while yer at it?
Send gold.
I need 110 gold pieces to purchase riding training and a horse.
Don't be mac'n on me...the World of Warcraft is a fracken huge place and I've wore out 6 pair of leather boots running everywhere!
Right now I've got 26 gold jinglin' in my leather hip pouch so I need...(hang on a minute)
*110 minus 26 equals*
*cross out the zero, make it a ten*
*cross out the 1, subtract one cuz I borrowed from the zero to make a ten*
*cross out the 1 cuz you borrowed and subtracted...*
brain cramp. brain cramp!
Well whateverrrrr.
I need a whole shizzle more.
I put my soul up for auction in Stormcity and someone named DaRkDoMiNiOn bought it for 6 gold.
I'd have taken 2.

WTF?! holy crap- COOL BACK GROUND!!!!!!
I forgot what I was going to say- except I bust out laughing at "I'll help you with that in a minute. I gotta finish my kill and get to a safe place..."
Boy, I needed that laugh- I'm in a strange place today
Jadey: Omg girl. Come back and give me your blog URL!! I can't come visit you anymore :( I've lost my linkies!! *cries*
my son sneaks out of bed at three in the morning 'cuz he needs to battle someone on the west coast ( he thinks i don't know it). was it you?
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