Isn't this phenomenon only supposed to happen in the Springtime when birds are chirpin' and the smell of fresh cut grass is in the air?
I'm suffering.
I feel like I'm gonna pop right outta my skin.
And that ain't good.
Not good at all.
This world couldn't handle skeletal me.
*Mutter* *Hiss*
*eyeballs the clock*
I've got 6 more hours of work left...

You are confused. Let me help. 'Work' is actually synonymous with pleasure. More working means more pleasure. Thus in order to relieve your condition you only need to volunteer for more hours at work. Of course since it is so pleasurable you should volunteer to work for free.
Just a thought.
Laochie: That's the vegetable diet talkin'!!
I know the feeling!
I share your pain m friend.
*I think the walls are closing in...*
methinks Laochie is definitely had too many veggies............ ;)
cabin fever at this early point in the cabin-fever season can only be cured by one thing - taking Chandra outside to play MORE! :D
ps - LOVED Count Vladimir Du MiniWarrior! Boris Karloff - MOVE OVER!!!!!!!
Photographic Dragon
(ps...most posts on FlickR)
I feel like that the minute I enter the main gate at work... lol
LOL at Loach, he needs carbs-!
Perhaps it's this stupid time change, I have turned into a flake...ok, More of a flake.
Cindy: I hate the days that drag endlessly on at work! :( *sulk*
Dragonlady: I've been so insane with Chanda and taking a bazillion pics I need a break!! LOL :D How's your classes going?? I popped over to your FlickR account and left my pawprint on your photos :D luv'em!!
*scritchidy scritch scritch*
MiniWarrior thanks thee for your Vampire compliments. ;)
Slickness: Meeeee tooooooo!!! *ugh*
Jadey: You're probably right. This time change kicked my patooie and I actually GAINED an hour but am more TIRED!! WTH??
the weather is gorgeous out there! and we only got to see it thru windows :(
Aafrica: Due to the security nature of my job--I am in the center of a building, completely windowless. I think part of my entrapment feeling is I go to work when its dark and I get off work when its dark now...*UGH*
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