Pretty good movie for a kids flick.
It was nostalgic for me to see it with my kid as I remember vividly watching the original "Escape To Witch Mountain" when I was about his age.
The boy, in my opinion, stole the show. I'm guessing we'll see him in other things.
And the "Rock" was delicious eye candy, as always ;)

Loach wanted to know who "The Rock" was...

I understand you not knowing who he was, Laochie.
It's a girl thing ;)
purrrr purrrrr purrrrr purrrr...
that picture drooool :P'''
At least his nickname is not the pebble.
dragondrools................ ;)
saw both - escape from and return to Witch Mountain originals..... good - but - MUST.SEE.THIS.ONE - the eye candy rather makes it worthwhile.
i see we three are all in agreement...
Jadey: I accept your thanks on behalf of all women! hehehe :D
Laochie: There's always a bright side! :D
Dragonlady: The kids from the original movie star in it--and man are they OLD now!! go see it!!
and yes...eye candy was much more satifying them the movie junior mints ;) purrrrrrrr purrrrrrrr
May I call you Tyrone?
Deadites: ha ha ha ha ha!!
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