Yeah. That's me.
I saw the warning signs about a week ago.
I mentioned needing more fuel a few times but there were no filling stations.
So, last night I crawled outta myself, snapped up my spare emotional tank filler and headed out to refuel.
I wonder where the closest ETF (emotional tank filler) station is?
*jingles the change in my pocket*

*lumbers beside kat with large claw on small fuzzy shoulder - other claw carrying own ETF can
Um ..... yep.
best I can offer you is a BIG DRAGONSIZED H.U.G!!!!!!!
OH! Beth said I needed to get my own can & join you guys....SO,
I googled ETF and got Exchange-Traded Fund....
NOW I get it LOL!!!!
How about I provide the comedic relief on this trek, eh?
every once in awhile - google DOESN'T have all the answers!
comedic relief is always a good thing...
and burdens always lighter when shared.
(((Group hugs dragon and kat)))
You gals crack me up!!!
*stalks along with my two dragon friends hopping up and down as the ground moves beneath their giant feet*
*whomp! whomp! whomp!*
WAIT FOR ME!...let me catch up....*huff* and *puff*, I'm right there with you, with my own can. (((hugs)))
oh Kat you put it so well! ... but i'm afraid the price/tank is more than i can afford at this point. i'd rather sit here with empty feelings than an empty wallet.
Com'on, Dragonlady, Jadeykins, Cindy and Aafrica--let's go get wild!
*revs up the kat mobile*
ROAD TRIP!!! I love road trips.....Oh it would be SO cool if you could come up for the concert tail-gate, but I know it's quite the trip...but it would be FUN!!
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