He got to grill the hapless FireFighter with 3 billion questions.

"How hot is fire?"
"How hot are coals?"
"How hot is a candle?"
"Is it hotter than Mars?"
"What's your favorite color?"
"Are you a soldier?"
"Do you want to be a soldier?"
"Killing Fire is pretty cool. Do you like killing fires?"
"Where do you like to sit (in the fire truck)?"
"In the back or the front?"
"Why do you like to sit in the front?"
"Do you like the front or the back better?"
"How tall are you?"
"Are you as tall as a soldier?"
"Do you like fire drills?"
"Do you like lock down drills?"
"How much do you like fire drills?"
"Did you have fire drills when you were a kid?"

After the billionth question, I took pity on the Fireman (who's eyes had glazed over and mouth had the brain stroke slack look that occurs when one has just been grilled by MiniWarrior) and dragged a still interrogating MiniWarrior away to my truck.
"But Mommmmmm! I still have questions!"
The fireman, who has no doubt run into the full force of a roaring fire without a drip of fear, flinched and ducked behind the fire truck out of MiniWarrior's sight.
Hehehehe. He is MiniWarrior.

Fear him!
It's Theresa here. Is Miniwarrior wearing a moustache?
Bob: LOL. He's gone from Star Wars fixation to Planet fixation. Every set of questions has to have a planet question in it!!
Theresa: Yes! He tore off the covering of his Mt. Dew bottle and stuck it on his face.
Dang kid. It's never ending with him!
What a nice young lad.
oh gosh! how do ya turn him off :P
Annoymous is me Katsoup.
Laoch: He is! Wanna babysit??
Little Grey Cat: (Love the blog name!) I'm sure that kids whom arrived later made the Firemans job seem easier! lol
Kat: I'm still looking for the OFF switch!
Nice. He has an inquisitive mind, and he was only helping to keep the fireman on his toes.
Loofa: The questions are...un-ending.
Just when you think he's run out, he recycles the questions and starts from the beginning.
He's my brilliant record player child :)
I loved this .. made me laugh out loud .. not like when you type lol but you never .. real laughter. THank You
Lula: He's a keeper ;)
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