For those who've read my blogs--I look upon Fall as the unofficial end of my year and beginning of a new one.
I don't know what the future holds. But right now, in this moment of time, I am happy.
My world is filled with gentleness and love. I used to be a loner. Someone who had to have an avenue of escape from everyone. I am social and love social situations, but I had to have that place where I could escape from it all.
Now, when I walk into the place where I reside, I am greeted by my little family and I feel something strange inside me. A feeling of belonging. A feeling of "coming home" and it fills my insides like a soft oil, warming me.
I don't know how long this will last. Life has taught me that there are no guarantee's. this year ends for me and a new one begins? I'm going to embrace this happiness, toss fear aside and allow myself to rest. To drink in this happy moment in time. It's too precious to waste on the "what ifs" that haunt us in the shadows of the night.

Right on!
Awh! You've had a rough year! Sit back and enjoy your home! (cute kitten too)
You go girl! :)
I hope you consider us as your family! I feel that we are.
I hope this "New Year" continues to bring lots of joy and happiness.
wish you a smoother ride in the new year!
Laochie: :)
LaChanson: Yeah, it's been a rough ride. I'm looking forward to a smoother road for awhile :)
Slick: *grins*
Bob-a-roo: I do, Bob-a-roo. *big hugs!*
Cindy: Thank you :) *hugs you!*
(dragon plunks down next to Kat, puts large paw over Kat shoulder and lets out a large contented dragon sigh, thumping tail in slow, comfortable flicks)
me too........
scritches to you my friend.....
Curls up with the Dragon and purrrrrsssss
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