We were farming for rainbow items.
Geek translation: We were looking for really cool (rarely found) weapons that the bad dudes drop when they are killed.
I snorted sarcastically when I heard one of the group members pleading to another group member for a cool sword that the other group member had just picked up.
Dudes talking over their headsets to each other:
"Dude. Can I please have that sword?"
"No. I like it. It's cool."
"Aw come on Dude! I've been good to you, bro! You gotta admit. I've been good to you!"
"Yeah alright. Here."
clang of the sword item being dropped
"Sweet! Thanks, Dude!"
*snort* says I, talking to my man who was sitting behind me plinking on his computer. "These guys are such geeks!"
"Heroes is almost on."
"What? Oh!"
Frantic typing of message to group
"Dudes. I gotta log off. Heroes is on."
*thunk of head on desk*
"gawd. I'm such a geek!"

ok, I am lost..haha..
I know nothing about games, and I dont watch Hero's..haha
My hubby likes playing all those games.
when I let him anyway.
Thanks for stopping by..I will be back again;)
FlipFlop: Oooo a noob in the purest form! Prepare the Orc pit for sacrifice! hehehe
LOL, geeks SO rule! Heroes is my favorite show!
Somegirl: WOO! Welcome to my lair oh fellow geek~ess.
What did you think of the premier of Heroes??
Thanks for visiting my blog! :)
Catwoman: Always gotta stop and visit a fellow cat!! :D
You are sooo NOT a geek!! *grins* Except for that leech thing you have!! LOL!!
Bob-a-roo: Leeches suck.
Get it?? suck....ha ha ha ha ha *snort*
*takes my geek trophy and heads home* :P
sounds like a conversation my son could have with his WoW guildies. lol.
Aafrica: I so wanted to play WoW..but couldnt bring myself to pay the online price.
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