I zoomed over to CompUSA and purchased a new game to try out the new graphics card.
After much perusing, I chose OBLIVION.

It's a role playing game that has some pretty awesome graphics!

I played it for a couple of hours last night trying to get the game play down. It's a little more difficult than Dungeon Runners or Diablo II as far as movement game play--but it has the same premise.
You kill stuff. Then rummage the carcass for armor,weapons and cool stuff.

Good times. Good times.
shoot, I know nothing about games, u might as well be speakin Greek to me;)
FlipFlop: Girl, we need to be edumaketing you on this!! :D
YEA!!!!! New FAST puter and fun new game!!!! Life is good for the Kat!!!
OOOOoooooo TOYS!!!!
Have lots of fun!!!!
Sweet new machine
I loooove me some games, course...my graphics on my comp ain't worth crap so I usually just stick with my XBox.
Looks fun anyway
To me, getting back to playing pc games is the symbol of a person comfortable in their surroundings...
Happy gaming times to you!!!
Bob-a-roo: life is good!
lachanson: Weeeee!! :D
Laochie: It amazes me the size and price of things now compared to my first computer.
Slick: I was so excited to finally build a computer big enough to play the new games!!
Jadey: True. So so true. :)
YAY! New puter, new game.
I'm glad you are happy with your new toys :)
I am now recovered from my doggie filled weekend...oiy!
Thanks for the hugs!
Big (((Hugs)))
Back at ya!
wow! you are a genius. ... you sound like my son, though, and i wonder why ...
I love this game!! I've been playing it on the Xbox though instead of my PC.
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