Look it up on the internet! 100-200 will come out of it. Tell your son that nature needs to be free & set the habitat open outside & she will leave.Then scrape the eggs off & put them in a tree. These egg instructions are on the web :D
Leave poor Jessica alone!! She is a Mommy!! She's just protecting her young,umm.. little..erm creepy babys! You're gonna have to come up with a load of names!!! Tiny name tags will help!!
Good luck!!!
Either that or throw the thing OUT!!! Let them run and be FREE!!! (maybe at that waffle place??) Waffles R Us? Not a big waffle fan, so not sure what it's called!! LOL Just DO NOT let them hatch indoors!! Ask my Mom (the poor woman)!!! Think of the movie ALIEN in miniature!!!!!
Also wanted to thank you for your thoghts and comments about the events that have taken place here! We are Ok but many have had their lives and dreams ruined!! It's just so very sad, and because the fires were arsons, even worse! They will be tracked down and punished!!!! They are considered murderers now!
Oh!! And Jadey's comment?? She is RIGHT!!! Clear the decks!!!
Very depressing in So Cal right now! It's like a huge ash covered dust bowl!! Thousands of people without homes, dozens of firefighters hospitalized with severe burns and now they are saying that it will take 3 more weeks until the fires are out!! I have put up many horrific photos on my Spaces blog and I have tried to keep updating but it is just becoming too difficult to do.
I thought about not doing this as a comment but.... I really don't know anyone here except you, jadey and beth. I'm going crazy!! My space addy is http://ruserious0947.spaces.live.com/
Catwoman: I've heard mantis live for a couple of months...but then I heard the other day they live 10 months?? Babies eating Mom Mantis is horror movie material, girl. HORROR!!
Jadey: Um yeah. I have egg scraping plans in near future!!!
Cindy: Holly Hobby blankie..heeheehee!! Haven't heard of her in years!!! :D
Dragonlady: *peeks under the blankie and whispers.."I'm sorta holding out that they'll hatch while at his Dads house...hehehe* shhhhh... :D *scritches the skerred dragon*
Aafrica: I'm in agreement with you...I think...
Bob-a-roo: HA HA HA! Tiny name tags!! I could hold a contest for best named demon babies!! :D As for your turmoil over the horrible fires...I'm zooming over to your space to comment right now. *tight hugs!!*
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EEEK! Gaa! I feel like Jessica and her babies are crawling all over me... How long is their life span? Maybe she'll eat her baby or they'll eat her?
Oh, what will you do????
Look it up on the internet! 100-200 will come out of it. Tell your son that nature needs to be free & set the habitat open outside & she will leave.Then scrape the eggs off & put them in a tree. These egg instructions are on the web :D
100 to 200?!?!?, coming out.....clean the cage!
PLEASE! I'm frightened....*wimpering under my Holly Hobby Blankie....
(from the darkness under the shaking Hello Kitty blanket) ....... free the mantis.... PUH-leeeeeze!!!!!!!!!
Courage the CowardlyDragon
cat babies are cute. mantis babies? not so much. get rid off them while you can.
Leave poor Jessica alone!! She is a Mommy!! She's just protecting her young,umm.. little..erm creepy babys! You're gonna have to come up with a load of names!!! Tiny name tags will help!!
Good luck!!!
Either that or throw the thing OUT!!! Let them run and be FREE!!! (maybe at that waffle place??) Waffles R Us? Not a big waffle fan, so not sure what it's called!! LOL Just DO NOT let them hatch indoors!! Ask my Mom (the poor woman)!!! Think of the movie ALIEN in miniature!!!!!
Also wanted to thank you for your thoghts and comments about the events that have taken place here! We are Ok but many have had their lives and dreams ruined!! It's just so very sad, and because the fires were arsons, even worse! They will be tracked down and punished!!!! They are considered murderers now!
Oh!! And Jadey's comment?? She is RIGHT!!! Clear the decks!!!
Very depressing in So Cal right now! It's like a huge ash covered dust bowl!! Thousands of people without homes, dozens of firefighters hospitalized with severe burns and now they are saying that it will take 3 more weeks until the fires are out!! I have put up many horrific photos on my Spaces blog and I have tried to keep updating but it is just becoming too difficult to do.
I thought about not doing this as a comment but.... I really don't know anyone here except you, jadey and beth. I'm going crazy!! My space addy is http://ruserious0947.spaces.live.com/
Sorry Kat...
Catwoman: I've heard mantis live for a couple of months...but then I heard the other day they live 10 months?? Babies eating Mom Mantis is horror movie material, girl. HORROR!!
Jadey: Um yeah. I have egg scraping plans in near future!!!
Cindy: Holly Hobby blankie..heeheehee!! Haven't heard of her in years!!! :D
Dragonlady: *peeks under the blankie and whispers.."I'm sorta holding out that they'll hatch while at his Dads house...hehehe* shhhhh... :D *scritches the skerred dragon*
Aafrica: I'm in agreement with you...I think...
Bob-a-roo: HA HA HA! Tiny name tags!! I could hold a contest for best named demon babies!! :D
As for your turmoil over the horrible fires...I'm zooming over to your space to comment right now.
*tight hugs!!*
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