Try as we might--we could not finish the large half taco half combination pizza so we boxed up the rest and dragged it back with us to the campsite.
We set the pizza box on top of the cooler, then sat around the fire cooking marshmallows to a slow grisly smore death.
Suddenly, we heard a skitter and a clunk.
"Hey! A raccoon is stealin' our pizza!" MiniWarrior bellowed.
MiniWarrior ran after them.
Lord V hung on to his dog.
And I ran for my camera.
Raccoons are common here. They are cute but I must fasten my waste bins to keep them out.
New pet, eh?
Feed 'em once and they are yours for life..............or until you stop feedin em!!!!!!!
Hahaha! Great pics!
they seem pretty experienced at the task. did you put out some soda or beer for them to wash down the pizza?
raccoons gotta eat too..i have one that is always going thru my trash...i figure she needs the trash more then I do..
Mei Lian: They are cute--but I can imagine they are quite the pest if you have to deal with them all the time!
Dragonlady: Yeah--if I was home I'd have scared them away instead of allowing them to munch :)
Jadey: :D
Aafrica: They actually stole Lord V's can of soda--took a sip, made a face and threw it down. I guess they didn't like "diet" soda!!
FlipFlop: Might explain the maggots!!! *shudder*
hahahahahahaha!!! .... you serious?
Aafrica: Yep! Seriously :D Crazy masked animals!!
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