I also received no phone call this morning with her begging me to pick her up.
I'll give her another hour then I'll don my hunt-EWO-down gear and find out where she is.
Tranquilizer gun
Perfect daughter camouflage
Flask of Tequila

Good hunting!
But then again another relaxation day is always good :)
Cindy: It was a grand day :) How are you??
Laochie: Indeed :|
As always, I'm doing OK.
A little emotional right now, but again I'll be OK.
Good news: Is I was able to walk around the house WITHOUT the walker and I have taken very little pain meds, The healing has begun!
Tell MW Tessa says Thank you!
Cindy: Good news on the healing!! :)
Maybe she ran off with some young thang from Christian camp?
Oh the sordid details you'd get to post about then!
Catwoman: ACK! ewwwww...must scrub mental image of sweaty wrinkleness outta my head!! pppttt ptttt ppptttuiie!
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