Yeah yeah yeah, I know. I've sucked at blogging lately.
have been blogging. Sort of.
I've been busy
hacking recoding my
akatseyeview blog to get the &%#! Blogger template to allow me to post larger views of my photos on it.
hacking re-coding attempts later--I have achieved success! WOO! *pumps a victorious fist*
Lotta work left re-posting my pics to match the new format-
lotta work. *sigh*
So yeah. Much of my spare time has been working on my other blog--thus allowing for my sad neglection of you, Peeps.
Nothing much new is going on since I last spoke with you.
Work is better. Actually--much better. Which is a good thing as I was tired of hearing myself "yip" about it all the time to anyone and everyone who stood still longer then 2 seconds thus making them a "yip-about-work" target.
Lord V still enters the room with shifty eyes, sniffing the air like a nervous gazelle in tiger territory, though ;)
Ah yes. I
do have a bit of news to update you with.
Last Saturday was our first Dinner Club party. I am
greatly relieved thank god almighty HAPPY to say that my Apple Strudel was a success!
No, I didn't
burn it. *eyeballs you*
didn't know however. that I was supposed to pull the filo dough out of the freezer
5 hours before using it.
Dangit!I managed to save myself though by nuking it in the microwave...turning it and kneading it softly every 10 seconds so it de-thawed (semi) evenly.
It was a bit shaky to work with as it was thin like a fine layer of skin and kept tearing--but I managed to glue each layer together with melted butter that I brushed on it--and WALLA! No one was the wiser.
*mops my brow*
Next dinner? Is Moroccan and I've heard I'm in charge of H'orderves. Pfftt. I can handle that.
*Z snaps*
So that's it, Peeps. That's all my news.
Do me a favor and go check out my
AKatsEyeView site and let me know what you think of the changes.
Thank you.
Thank you very much. (*Brenda from Closer Southern voice*)
Watchu' still doin' here?
GO! Chop chop! *claps hands*
Kids these days...