Lord V carting MiniWarrior back to his Dads house on Sunday packed in his trunk:
2 Mantis cages and
1 Hermit crab cage.
What MiniWarrior didn't pack was his school backpack or cricket victims for his caged prey.
So, last night after work I slipped by the pet store and picked up a baggie of crickets and toted them and MiniWarriors backpack over to him at his Dads house.
With my iPhone eyeball always at the ready...I bring to you--images of Mantis Boy and his creepy Prisoners.

Sooooo, what is he going to be for Halloween?
Jadey: A vampire :) He wants me to go along dressed as Hello Kitty girl with vampire holes in my neck, LOL :D
That boy has nerves of steel....
I can't stand anything with more than 4 legs!!
Especially crawling on me!
Aw gee............. they're CUTE! For mantis' anyway.......
Vampire, eh? heh heh heh..... Boris Karloff MOVE OVER!
Slick: i know man. *shudder* I keep tellin him...put a cage on that beast cuz if it flys in Mommas hair someones gonna die :|
Dragonlady: They are creepy ass bugs who stare at you as if you're their next meal :| And yeah...Vampire!!!! LOL. He has much fun with the fake blood!!
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