I yelled in my dream, "Minnesota! Why fracken Minnesota?! It snows there 9 months out of the year!" (I know this 'cuz I went to college there and vowed never to live there again).
I mentioned this to one of my coworkers who had told me he also had a snow dream that very night! Our newest coworker over heard us pondering what two snow related dreams could possibly mean...
and said she dearly hoped it would snow as she had just moved to Portland from Alaska and already missed the snow.
I and the other coworker yelped "NO! NO! No snow for us!" in response.
She laughed. Evily.
This morning?
I came in to work to find new coworker had adorned my desk with fake snowflakes!


Now I must teach the new one the perils of pranking the kat!
So...what is my revenge you ask?
I filled a garbage bag with packing peanuts and formed a cute snowman out of it.

Aw. Look how cute.
Aren't I nice?
Mm Hm.
I am.
I nicely arranged the snowman on her desk...
then nicely reached under and cut out the bottom of the bag...
Sooooo when she goes all "Aw how cute!" and picks it up?
Her snow wish shall be granted.
All. Over. Her. Desk.
: )
I like the snowman although it creates dread fear of the coming winter in me.
Kat you are the Queen of pranks lol! how you thunk up all these? very creative indeed.
Weeeeee!! how wonderfully devilish :D
I played a prank on my mom last week- come read
Laochie: me too!!
Aafrica: thank you..*bows* thank you :D
Jadeykins: hehehe. *zooms to read*
Ahhh Kat. Very good, very good indeed...snow is EVIL!
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