Yesterday UPS delivered it and I couldn't wait to get home from work to set it up!
I chose a Cypress wood arch hammock stand

and a Euro Quilted Blue and White Striped hammock.

Lord V helped me put it all together yesterday and I spent an hour happily swinging in the evening breeze!
It was awesome! (sing-song voice)
It looks like a great place to read, take a nap or just day dream....Enjoy!
Just remember, Kat, the word is pronounced HAM-muck, not HAM-mock. Saying it wrong makes you sound like one of them Dutch people! If you ain't gonna speak proper English, you can just go back to Tulipland!
woo ... luxurious.
Cindy: Soon as I set it up our sun rolled away and it began to RAIN!!!! :( I'm majorally bummed because tonight (my first night off from work) is supposed to be a fantastic meteor shower. :(
Laochie: Its keen :D
Kyle: *SNORT* its HamMOCK not HamMICK like you Oregon/Canadian morph people pronounce it!
Aafrica:I look so forward to swinging in it!
Like I said, I love my Hammock/muck/mick. Getting in is easy but getting out of one is another story!! lol!! Especially with three dogs in there with you!
Bob-a-roo: Yeah--getting out of the hammock takes some mad skilz!!
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