The last weekend of Summer vacation for MiniWarrior before school entrapment.
Where the heck has the Summer gone?
I've really enjoyed this time off and am struggling to let the sunshine slip away to the drizzle and grey skies of Winter.

hammock goodness
yer right - back in the dark ages, school DID always start after Labor Day... (and no more white shoes or pocketbooks after Labor Day either) - but.... that was in .... what? the Mesozoic Era? You know... when WE were kids......
My son started today.
Full day tomorrow.
Einstein was right - time IS relative....
Enjoy the last Hurrah!
Hugs and many scritches for my very FAVORITE Kat!
the elusive and never-present dragon
hope you are enjoying the last hoorah! hmm, lately I think I actually have felt my brain shrinking :P
Sorry, but bring on Winter!! It was 103F here today and worse this weekend. We need RAIN!!!!!!!!
But enjoy your cabiny weekend!! Ours just missed being burned down (again!) by the wildfires we are having.
Have fun.... Take pics!
And take care!!
what a view! and such a nice shot. so ... let's see, you got the ocean on one side of your house and the prairie on the other side?
I hop you are enjoying your cabin weekend!
Dragonlady: I have prepared everything for MiniWarriors first day at Middle School. He has met his teacher and seen his classroom. He has new clothes and new supplies. Nothing left to do but to let fate play its hand now.
I have no fingernails left from nerves :| (hugssss)
Jadeykins: We had a grand last hurrah! :D
Bob-a-roo: Again??? fireproof that cabin!!!
Aafrica: Columbia river and our backyard :) no ocean and prairie :D
Cindy: We did!! :D
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