No Meteor shower watching for me this weekend.
However, I did get some zen hammock time in despite the freakin' Northwest clouds!

At one point MiniWarrior joined me in the hammock, wiggling and chattering my ear off.
I shooed him back to his summer time bug hunting vigil so I could continue my Cloud/Hammock Zen time. :)
Gee! That's weird. On the Oregon side of the river it was completely sunny. Bummer for you Washingtonians!
Amazingly, that pitcher is OK! In fact, he will be pitching on Thursday. Sorry if I freaked you out!! As for the Mets batter who got hit on the head while wearing a helmet, he is out for the season. Go figure.
Have a Great week!
PS! Aren't hammocks Great?? Nice feet!!!
Cute feeties!
went to a sanrio shop in boston & bought 'chococat', so cute!
That hammock is so sweet!
I thought you might find this article to be interesting
Kyle: It's time for your annual craponoscopy!!!
Bob-a-roo:The dude was seriously lucky! and yeah. Hammocks ROCK!!
Jadey: LOL. Maybe I should have painted my toenails??
Laochie: I'm really enjoying the Hammock :) and THANK YOU!! for the most excellent photo links for my iPhone! :D
Interesting photography article:
Kat, you do need to get out of that comfy hammock of yours and tell us what mischievous deeds you've been getting yourself into ...
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