It's new to our area and we had yet to try it even though we'd been bombarded with Sonic commercials for the past 3 years!
I was driving my truck which required a bit of tricky maneuvering to pull into the tiny drive in slot. (Remember those? A&W used to have them)
mmmm A&W
*blink* I was sayin'...
I pulled into the drive in slot right next to the little menu. We perused it for a bit waiting for someone to come out and take our order when I spied the red button by a speaker on the board.
I reached out to push it but alas, I was too short so I had to open my door and lean one leg out of my truck to be able to reach the button to place our order.
"Get me a Recess Pieces shake" Lord V called to me.
I stretched, pushed the button and leaning as close to the little speaker as possible I yelled...
"I'd like a large Recess Penis Shake!"
Then froze in horror as my brain rewound what I had just yelled, then promptly fell in to a fit of giggles that would have done a 12 year old girl proud.
I'm back, my Peeps.
I'm. Back.

I am going to have to pass on the shake.
So did they deliver what you ordered? If so, I hope you tipped well!
Too funny!
Love the *blink*
still growing back some of them brain cells you lost ;D
thanks for getting my blood going with a laugh
hahahahaha!!! this should be filed under "classic Kat"
I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who mixes her words like that!
Very funny!
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