MiniWarrior begged me to go to the park. There was a biting Easterly wind, but I couldn't say "No" to his pleas, so we climbed in my truck and headed out.
MiniWarrior bouncing on the seat behind me, wiggling with happiness, made me smile.
MiniWarrior's happiness is infectious. His eyes sparkle, his mouth stretches wide in an adorable toothy grin, and he "hop hop flap flaps" with a bright energy that radiates around you.
We arrived and MiniWarrior, refusing his coat, raced off on his 9 year old legs towards the play equipment.
I spent an hour pacing the playground, huddled in my coat against the brisk winter wind. A few people were out running their dogs. One paused to show MiniWarrior how to fling a tennis ball to her German Shepard using one of those clawed ball throwers.
MiniWarrior concentrated, clamping his tongue between his teeth, and winged the ball thrower forward--the ball fell with a thud about a foot away.
The German Shepard dutifully picked the ball up and brought it back to MiniWarrior. The dogs owner patiently handed the ball thrower back to MiniWarrior and using her arms around his showed him how to fling it correctly.
MiniWarrior reared back, muscles quivering with concentrated effort, and FLUNG the ball forward. This time it soared across the playground field and the dog lady clapped and hugged MiniWarrior with congratulatory glee.
MiniWarrior flashed a happy grin at the dog lady, handed back the ball thrower and bowed to her, then raced off to play on the monkey bars.
Where had he learned to bow? Crazy kid. I laughed and continued my playground pacing.
The Sun started to sink lower in the sky and I called a halt to that days playground time. MiniWarrior, cheeks painted red from the wind, trotted happily back with me to the truck.
We clambered into the truck, shivering from cold. MiniWarrior's teeth chattered while we waited for the truck heater to belch out warm air.
"Mom" He said, his teeth chattering, "I'm so COLD!"
"I know, Son. You should have worn your coat!"
"Yeah, man. I'm so cold...I'm like a frozen Hans Solo!"
...frozen Hans Solo...
The kid slays me.