I keep my blog public because I enjoy meeting and conversing with new people. I love the community we've created in Blogland.
However, I absolutely despise it when I'm mocked by someone close to me for things I write in my blog.
You know that feeling you got when you were a kid and you discovered something you thought was really cool and wanted to try--and your family slapped you down for your attempts to dare to try and break out of the mold they wanted to keep you in?
I knew when I broke my silence and wrote about my diet and shared with Blogland my excitement about it and the changes it's been making in my life, that I would be mocked. I knew it, but it angers me to be boxed into a mold by people so I wrote it anyway.
The expected mockery occurred.
It transported me back to when I was a kid and excited about vocabulary words I had learned in school and my stupidity in sharing my excitement with my family at the dinner table.
It angered me then and it angers me now.
I don't understand people's need to mock other people's attempt to better themselves. And I don't understand the need to supress a persons excitement. To make them feel stupid for sharing their excitement with others.

It is small minds of selfish people that think such things. It is ignorance that speaks such things.
Be proud and recall that it is because of their jealousy that they speak such things.
How could someone mock that? Let me talk to this person. I'll set them straight.
holy crap! I can't believe you lost all that weight!!! WTF!!!
and that entry about M.W. turning 9..I have always enjoyed the things about him& you-but what an incredible & complex journey it has been.
lovin' you ever more,Jadey
I know exactly how you feel - I've been there. I think it's terrible that anyone would violate your personal space like that. They should be ashamed.
Mei Lian, Loofa, Bob, Jadey and Jay--Thank you for your encouragement and friendship :)
My blog was read and I was sincerely apologized to. I think we are all guilty of not treating the ones we are close to with a casualness that we wouldn't dare use with a stranger for fear of being rude.
We tease and think "oh they know what I mean" and don't stop to think that perhaps the person closest to you "doesn't know what you mean and takes it deeper to heart then you would be horrified to know".
Well, I think you rock Kat - keep up the good work and to hell with anyone that gives you a hard time for it.
The bit about new vocabulary words at the dinner table tickled me. I recall the first time I tried out the word "fu*k" at dinner. Woops.
Mike: Thank you and LMAO at you're using the F word at the dinner table!!
It's me, Theresa.
Someone made fun of you being on a diet?
I think that the same people that view your blog view mine! I get crap slung at me right and left. But, I look at it this way - every comment, every action lets me know who I can rely upon and trust and who I can't.
Do your co-workers tease you? Who could possibly be teasing you? Why choose your diet? That's not so weird. Lots of people diet. What's the deal? You know stranger people than I do!
Theresa: Nah, they didn't mock my diet, just my blogging about it and being "geeky excited" about it.
Everyones been great about my diet. I've had a few comments like "oh Kat's on that weird diet"...lol...but generally it's been positive. I suspect as more time passes and people realize this isn't an impulse idea that I'll discontinue when I tire of it...they will become even more supportive. :)
I DO know a lot of "weird" people, though--LOL :D
It's me, Theresa.
Are you sure that you dont live in Spokane????!!!!! ;-)))))))))
Theresa: ha ha ha ha ha! Maybe NorthWestereners are the same from location to location??
They'd BETTER apologize. AND come help you clean out your closet so you have room for all your new clothes.
It might be best that you're in Washington, and I'm in Minnesota...
Kay: LOL! Thanks. I know who to ring up when the next insult flies my way!
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