I am nested in my house today, keeping close to the crackling fire in my fireplace. The rare occurance of snow in Washington is quickly becoming UN-rare!
Here's a snapshot of Old Man Winter frolicking in my back yard.
Did you see the video on the news (KGW) of the insane car crash in the West Hills?
Volvo 4WD was bouncing around off cars and poles and fences like a pinball...before it finally slid down the hill into a row of cars.
I awoke to snow this morning also. Since there is a large hill before my work I decided to be at home before the fireplace was a good place to be. I did not wish to be a video on KGW. ;)
Adena: OMG I can't believe that video!! Pinball is right! Thats just a few blocks from my work. I drove in yesterday morning then at 7:30 I said screw this and went home. I'm so glad I did!
Snow? You call that snow? We'd call it a heavy dew around here. ;-p
Seriously though, I have had the "pleasure" of being in Seattle during one of your rare winter storms and I know how treacherous your roads can get with just a little touch of the frosties.
It can definitely be dangerous when the snow hits places where there is typically no need to keep adequate snow/ice removal resources on hand for such uncommon events. Just look at what's going on in south Texas. My brother has been stuck at home for 3 days because of the icy conditions in Austin. Their airport is currently closed because they ran out of deicer. Trust me, Texans are totally clueless when it comes to winter driving conditions (come to think of it, they are generally clueless when it comes to driving on dry pavement as well).
Mike: LOL! I know all about peope freaking out when trying to drive in 1 inch of snow! I went to college in Minnesota and drove to work in the middle of genuine blizzards. Of course, as you say, there was much better road service then we Washingtonians have. I can understand not budgeting a lot to clear snow off roads when we rarely have any.
Bob: I know--you'all have moved from SCal to HERE. Thus the closing own of everything. You wouldn't believeeeee how bad drivers (and I use that word loosely) drive out here.
Did you see the video on the news (KGW) of the insane car crash in the West Hills?
Volvo 4WD was bouncing around off cars and poles and fences like a pinball...before it finally slid down the hill into a row of cars.
that's your backyard? how serene!
I awoke to snow this morning also. Since there is a large hill before my work I decided to be at home before the fireplace was a good place to be. I did not wish to be a video on KGW. ;)
Adena: OMG I can't believe that video!! Pinball is right! Thats just a few blocks from my work. I drove in yesterday morning then at 7:30 I said screw this and went home. I'm so glad I did!
Aafrica: Yes. MiniWarrior and I really enjoy it :)
Mei Lian: Can you believe this SNOW??? Good idea in staying home.
Snow? You call that snow? We'd call it a heavy dew around here.
Seriously though, I have had the "pleasure" of being in Seattle during one of your rare winter storms and I know how treacherous your roads can get with just a little touch of the frosties.
It can definitely be dangerous when the snow hits places where there is typically no need to keep adequate snow/ice removal resources on hand for such uncommon events. Just look at what's going on in south Texas. My brother has been stuck at home for 3 days because of the icy conditions in Austin. Their airport is currently closed because they ran out of deicer. Trust me, Texans are totally clueless when it comes to winter driving conditions (come to think of it, they are generally clueless when it comes to driving on dry pavement as well).
Personally, I'm blaming it all on global warming.
PS - Your yard is beautiful.
Mike: LOL! I know all about peope freaking out when trying to drive in 1 inch of snow! I went to college in Minnesota and drove to work in the middle of genuine blizzards. Of course, as you say, there was much better road service then we Washingtonians have.
I can understand not budgeting a lot to clear snow off roads when we rarely have any.
Bob: I know--you'all have moved from SCal to HERE. Thus the closing own of everything. You wouldn't believeeeee how bad drivers (and I use that word loosely) drive out here.
Hi- it's Theresa.
We get snow on the east side. It's not as much as Minnesota but enough that you see it at least once through the course of a winter.
Theresa: Yes. I hear Spokane is MUCH colder then Vancouver area. Bleh. I long for sunshine!!!
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