Monday, January 29, 2007

Haphazardkat Update

I know, I know. I've been seriously slacking on the Blog front.
I think it's the "post holiday-nothing going on" blah's.

I find myself searching for blog ideas and other then the daily "clipped my toenails, brushed my teeth" routine--there is nothing much to write about lately--except...

I have been on this wonderful diet for the past 29 days. I've lost 20lbs and 6 inches from my waist. It's nothing short of miraculous to me!

It's simple, really. It's called the "Idiot Proof Diet". You eat 4 times a day, 2-3 hour intervals between eating, and you eat mainly fruits, veggies and some proteins.

The diet site has a diet generator that you click on and it spits out 11 days of 4 meals a day menu's. After 11 days you take 3 days off the diet to eat what you wish. It's not expensive, as most of your meals consist of one an Orange, a Salad, Spinach, Bacon or Scrambled eggs...

Without going into too much diet boring detail--let me just say--this WORKS. Google "Idiot Proof Diet" and it should bring you to the site. There is a cost to joining to download the handbook and to have access to the diet generator. Trust me, it's worth every penny.

Years ago I went to a doctor to discuss WHY I couldn't lose weight. I tried the Atkins, the Low Fat...Starvation...Over exercise...etc. I'd lose 10 lbs and then stop. For MONTHS. The doctor asked me to honestly tell her what I had eaten that day. I told her and she shook her head in puzzlement.

She did a thyroid test on me but it came up normal. She then tested my blood and I tested borderline Hypoglycemic. She told me I should be eating small meals every 2 hours to get my metabolism running again. I remember leaving her office feeling very discouraged. I couldn't possibly see how I could focus on eating Food every 2 hours.
It seemed overwhelming to me.

I had no idea what she meant by "Meals".

When I read the handbook for "Idiot Proof Diet" a light clicked. It followed the exact advice my doctor had given me but the difference told me what MEALS meant.

In a short 29 days my outlook has completely changed. I no longer focus on food. I no longer wonder "what shouldn't I eat today". It takes me 15 minutes to grab my food for the entire day and then I can mentally let go. Forget about it.

This past Thursday I emptied two large garbage bags of "Fat clothes" out of my closet and drove them to the charity bin. I stood outside that bin, and as I heard the bags hitting the bottom, I felt a huge weight (literally) fall off me.

You've all read testimonies of people who suddenly "got it". Who discovered the break through to losing weight. This diet, apparently, is my internal light bulb.

It figures that my light bulb would have the title "Idiot Proof" attached to it.



aafrica said...

that sounds terrific! congratulations! you have to do a before/after picture wearing a big 'before' pants to show us how much you've shrunk :D

Anonymous said...

It's Theresa.

Congratulations! Keep up the good diet work!

Haphazardkat said...

Aafrica: I have a long ways to go before I've reached that "post diet" picture moment! It's a good idea though. I've been ridding my closet of clothes...I'll have to keep one of my fat pants for the "post diet" picture in my future :)

Haphazardkat said...

Thanks, Theresa! :D

Anonymous said...

Way to go!

Mei said...

It is most important what you feel of yourself but...

Yay! My best wishes to your effort!

Haphazardkat said...

Bob: I know what you mean about "a life!!" One struggles to find things to blog when ones life consists of work, sleep, work, sleep!

Laoch: Thank you! :D

Mei Lian: I 100% agree with you and...thank you! :D

Anonymous said...

Wooo-hooo! That's pretty fantastic.

Haphazardkat said...

Ksgrrl: Thank you :D

Anonymous said...

I'm back on Weight Watchers after a two-year (and 40-pound) hiatus.

It's worked for me before, but I may have to check out the idiot-proof diet, for two reasons: One, I need to diet; two, I'm an idiot.


Good for you! Keep us posted.

Haphazardkat said...

Kay: I was talked into trying Weight Watchers once by a girlfriend of mine. Their concept is good, I just hated the meetings and the amount of time one had to invest in point watching ..etc.
Plus, I'm not a big fan of being trapped in a room with a bunch of hens who rattle on and on about food while waiting in line to be weighed.
:| I know. I know. I'm bad...

Anonymous said...

Kat: It's really not so bad if you ARE one of the hens rattling away. And I was maybe not quite so much "henny" as "obnoxiousy."

After my weigh-in, I would announce my weight (loudly, and including the tenths of a pound) in an incredulous voice, then say, "Can you BELIEVE it?!?"

People were never sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing, so they'd just sort of smile and look away.

I'm not going to meetings this time. (And no, it had NOTHING to do with anyone asking me not to come!)

Interestingly, my sons (3 and 4) are so excited by the numbers and figuring, that they do all my point-counting and calculations for me, often in advance of what I'm about to eat.

I am nothing if not a lazy dieter.

Also? My own scale is broken, so they proof will be in the pants, so to speak. I like not being held hostage by numbers on a scale, so it's a good thing.

Glad to see I could yet again make another post about you -- into a post about ME.

I'm pathetic.

Yeah. Global warming? Pfffft. I'll believe it when I see it. This morning, we got about six inches of unexpected snow, besides.

Haphazardkat said...

Kay: LOL at you're blurting out your weight to the group!! HA HA HA! That's one of the things I love about your description of your life in your blogs. You definetly tell it like it is without fear! :D's only Hen and obnoxious talk if its not YOU talking..LOL
That's cool your sons are doing the Math work for you!
Ugh @ more snow!!!!!