The snow here quickly melts away. This is a good thing as most here do not have the skills to drive on snow. I have remained home only for self-protection. I am capable in snow. It is the others that cause me alarm.
HAHAHA! Man I haven't been here in awhile! Kitty goodness & badness! Closing school for 3"? *sigh* I'm sooo nervous, I won something on ebay & haven't heard a word in 3 days!! :(
Jade: I had a bad experience on ebay. 7 days after repeated emails to the seller, I finally posted a negative comment saying that his business practice was "unacceptable". He responded immediately telling me he had shipped the item and that I was a "jerk". I reported him to ebay. I did receive my item...but the experience soured me from ever buying off of ebay again.
Mike: HA HA HA! Spoken like a fellow parent of boys! :D School is closed...AGAIN. I can hear the traffic zooming by my house. I can't believe they closed school. *sigh* As it's Thursday, I don't forsee them opening school tomorrow for one day before the weekend. I need to go out and resupply my alcohol... :P
i asked god to help you, but he said it's too cold he ain't working, and said no sane people would go to work or school, so keep MiniWarrior warm and cozy at home.
ksgrrl: yeah. I know, strange, huh?! I went to college in Minnesota and everyone drove in howling blizzard weather. However, Washington State hardly ever gets snow so there is no money put into the State budget for road service. So when it snows, roads are VERY slick until it melts away.
The snow here quickly melts away. This is a good thing as most here do not have the skills to drive on snow. I have remained home only for self-protection. I am capable in snow. It is the others that cause me alarm.
HAHAHA! Man I haven't been here in awhile! Kitty goodness & badness!
Closing school for 3"?
*sigh* I'm sooo nervous, I won something on ebay & haven't heard a word in 3 days!! :(
Hope you have a good margarita kit on hand.
Mei Lian: I totally agree with you!
Jade: I had a bad experience on ebay. 7 days after repeated emails to the seller, I finally posted a negative comment saying that his business practice was "unacceptable". He responded immediately telling me he had shipped the item and that I was a "jerk". I reported him to ebay. I did receive my item...but the experience soured me from ever buying off of ebay again.
Mike: HA HA HA! Spoken like a fellow parent of boys! :D
School is closed...AGAIN. I can hear the traffic zooming by my house. I can't believe they closed school. *sigh* As it's Thursday, I don't forsee them opening school tomorrow for one day before the weekend.
I need to go out and resupply my alcohol... :P
My office has also been closed for a few days because of snow. Working from home has become common lately.
You might as well join in the fun with MiniSnowWarrior.
i asked god to help you, but he said it's too cold he ain't working, and said no sane people would go to work or school, so keep MiniWarrior warm and cozy at home.
Loofa: We had a grand snowball fight. :)
Aafrica: God heard your prayers. Just a day late. MiniWarrior had school today---YAY!!
3 inches of snow equals no school? really. wow.
ksgrrl: yeah. I know, strange, huh?! I went to college in Minnesota and everyone drove in howling blizzard weather. However, Washington State hardly ever gets snow so there is no money put into the State budget for road service. So when it snows, roads are VERY slick until it melts away.
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