*woop!* *woop!*
I'm especially looking forward to this weekend as it's 4th of July celebration time!
Lord V and I went out and got a BBQ last night in preparation for the big cookout feast!
(Well that and the last time I used our indoor countertop grill I set off the fire alarm...causing the fire company to call and Guido-the-cat to shoot out the open front door in feline panic which he didn't show his face again til the next morning--thus causing me to panic and have a crappy nights sleep.)
But, I digress...
Celebration time!
*pumps fist and eyeballs the new grill with shifty nervous eyes*
Ya'all have a grand humpday--and great 4th celebration if I don't make it back to blogland before then!

Happy 4th of July and happy cookout!
Well HAPPY "Friday"& 4th!
Go on over to my spaces space and click the link to listen to 2 really good songs....I'm being a little pushy I know but these songs are SOOO good I just have to share, and I get the feeling YOU will really like Venus In Overdrive.
Let me know will ya?
Happy 4th and Happy Grillin!!!!!!!
What will you be serving?
Aafrica: Happy 4th to you too! :D do you have your son over the holiday?
Cindy: I shall!
Dragonlady: Happy 4th to you and your family! *scritch scritch*
Laochie: Brats, hamburgers and the managerie of foods that accompany them: Potato Salad, Baked beans, Fruit Salad, Chips, Blackberry pie, Icecream....and whatever the friends bring!
Happy 4th!
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