The new grill worked wonderfully and all of the 14 attendees chowed down happily on the Brats and Hamburgers and gave them favorable reviews.
Yay me!
When the sun went down my friends 12 year old son and I set off a load of fireworks amusing the well fed crowd. MiniWarrior hung out on the fringes of things as constant noise is a bit much for him. I was very proud of how well he monitored himself and took measures to calm himself that allowed him to remain with the group and not miss out on the fun. He constantly amazes me.
It was a great weekend and our group of friends are grand. Everyone pitched in and helped set up the BBQ, chopping, filling empty bowls, helping each other out with all the tiny details that feasting demands. They even helped clean up! They rawk.
How was you Peeps 4th celebration?
Pull up a chair in comment land and give me the skinny~o.
Sounds like an awesome party! Especially the friends cleaning up part!
I think I need to become friends with your friends!
Great party and post!
As ever be well,
Stephen Craig Rowe
Catwoman: It was a most awesome party--however I was very glad to get back to work on Sunday so I could REST! lol
Stephen: Thank you :) and grand that you visited!
Work should not be restful, your whole heart and being should be directed there. You should normally be disheartened to leave and begging your noble employer for more to do. A day with out going to the office is like a day without happiness. At least that it what I was taught in the Scrooge household.
I would've thrown my paper plate away if I was invited to your shindig....
That counts for something doesn't it?
We grilled out ourselves and watched the county's fireworks. Even though I worked that day, it turned out to be enjoyable :)
WOW! So your friends actually help you clean up?! AmAzing!!!!!
I kind of miss the backyard parties(many were impromptu) we used to have with the neighbors.....lotta work but a lotta fun.....sigh.
Glad you had an awesome time - tell MiniWarrior I am very proud of him too - he done good!
i'm envious. next year i'll come join your party. on the other hand, i had my 4th with 50,000 other people. you can't beat that, can you? :D
Laochie: Bah humbug to that! :D
Slick: Paper is very important ingredient in a successful BBQ! We burned ours in the fire pit so it added the extra incentive for people to clean up their plate carcass. *grin*
You're putting a lot of hours in at work, Dude! Hope you're raking in the money!!
Dragonlady: yeah. I can see this BBQ thing becoming a tradition! The neighbors had a party along side us--complete with a DJ so it added the fun element to the evening. We took turns showing off who had bigger fireworks (they won! bastahds :P ) my friends really do rock...all of them.
*scritches to my blog friend* :D
Aafrica: While i was busy cooking and scarfing fattening foods YOU were out running!! I am very proud of you!
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