Let's see what all you Peeps have been up to, shall we?
Aafrica: Has posted pics of her new iPod Touch and you tube videos of hysterically laughing babies. This is appropriate 'cuz if you poke both of them...they produce noises that make the pokie say, "Ooooooo!!"
Bob (Bob-a-roo): is shaken but not stirred--ridin' the crazy earthquake wave in Southern California. *makes the V sign* He's one tough hombre!
Catwoman:Is having a "name my baby" contest and she's offering real prizes! *breaks open my name-da-baby-book* hmm...Marko...Polo...
Cindy: omg!!!...her Rick Springfield CD has hit the stores!!!---*screams and tugs at my hair*!!!
cancel the intervention* There's no hope for her now...
Cuteoverload has flying bunnies. See?!

ARGH! My teeth hurts just lookin' at all the cuteness!
Dragonlady and Jadey have met!! Jealous. I'm so so jealous! Jadey is currently feelin under the weather though. *sad frown* Get better, chickie! You have blog posts to write about--I have dragon-meet-detail needs you know! Needs!
FlipFlop is currently under siege by a wandering tot consumed with forming mental blueprints for futuristic murder plots. I shizzle you not. Only the power of the Pale One can help her now...
Laoch: Continues whiling away his Summer viewing bad movies with cohorts with mysterious names such as "Bad Betsy" and "Muffin" and nibbling sushi with a militant feminist named "Bubbles" who apparently is against slurping sushi off of naked chicks. Hmm...naked chicks...sushi...isn't that the same...nevermind...*polishes my halo* *squeaka squeaka*
Mei Lian is taking the day off from regular life to rest. *whispers* I think she's hidin' from Mother Bing and the blooming berry vines! Ohhhhh Mother Binnnnnnnggggg! *points to the hiding Mei Lian* she's over heeeeeeeeeeeere!
PostSecret: OMG. Someone stole my secret!

Slick *sighs and shakes my head* slick..slick slick...what are us cleavage toting chicks gonna do with you, hmm? When you're done with your grounding--ask yer wife if you can come out and play some Hoops, will ya?
The Daily Coyote: Ever been mooned by a coyote?! *marks that off my life's experiences list* mooned by coyote--CHECK!
Mrs X: has a son with mad tree peeing skills. *jealous* (sing song voice). And daughters that are so sweet to look upon that I make girlie squeals that are inaudible to human ears but has been known to strip paint off the walls...
Y'all have a wonderful week! And remember...when you think it's safe to blog alone...I'll be lurking in the shadows. (movie commercial scary man voice)
It's in in the stores....But I don't have it yet waiting for Chapter's to call me.
oops that should say "IS"
Cindy: *gasp* What control!!!! I'd have been at the stores gates at midnight!
HAHA!! The shaking has subsided!! No les than 48 aftershocks! All is well! Just had a ton of crap fall off shelves. Now, I thought that dogs could sense these things coming! Not mine!! As soon as it hit, they barked and hid under the bed!!! They say when an earthquake occurs to stand under a doorway. I wish they would tell how me to do that when the floor is doing the Watusi!! I just held on!!
Come visit!! We can have an eartquake party!!!
BTW? GREAT post!!!!!! And notice??? Non-Country on my space!!
X's and O's
a whole other week went by without me done anything? oh my!
well i'm gonna go name that CatBaby. i have so many girls names i looove! ... she's having a girl, right? better be a girl.
Bob-a-roo: holy crap! 48?!! I'd have lost count at 3 cuz after the first quake shake I'd have been drinkin and by the 3 shake I'd have been drunk! lol
No Country, hmm? *stares at you all suspiciuos eyed* you wouldn't be trying to lure me back to your site only to lambast me with COUNTRY now would you? hmm? HMM?!!
Aafrica: She's havin' a boy!!
Arrrrg!! too much information!
heehee, your hello kitty blanket shield-whip it out!
not sure about how I feel-must be a slight infection somewhere.
Jadey: Get better, quick!! :)
I just love your weekly wrap ups..
I love the wrap-ups too!
Baby-naming! Must see.....
FlipFlop: Its a selfish move on my part--I wanna keep reading new posts from people and hope this inspires more postage!! :D
Mrs X: You'll love Catwomans place--she's a crackup!!
I can always sneak out?? ;)
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