Carlos--who is tuning down to a Tropical Storm and veering south away from the Islands...
Dolores--who is in hurricane status right now and in a direct path to the Islands.
So if you don't hear from me in a week?
Send for the Wizard cuz Toto? We ain't in Maui anymore!

Hey, look at the bright side - the wind-surfing should be outstanding!
Hopefully Dolores will veer off too. At least it's still pretty far away from Hawaii (according to stormpulse it is actually closer to you in WA (2100+ miles), than it is to HI (2800+ miles) - heck it's only 1800-odd miles from Denver.
Of course WA and CO are not in the path, but at least it has plenty of ocean to cover before it gets out there, lots of time for her to change course yet. You sort of need to plan for the possibility of encountering an occassional afternoon rainshower in Maui at this time of year anyway.
But, I'd still probably take a hat with a chinstrap just in case the winds kick up (the trade winds can get pretty blustery, even without a hurricane brewing)...
ohhhhh gawd!
where are those dam shoes..they were under the bed...
Kat, be brave. do not be afraid. hurricanes almost never hit the predicted targets. you are setting off very soon?
Pack raingear and flashlights and batteries. Don't say you weren't warned! :)
Hopelessy: Carlos already veered away but Dolores threatens my birthday snorkling/sailin trip on the 21st--pretty much thats my only concern. I love wild surf :D just not then!! lol
How's things with you? Long time no hear :) I'm betting its freakin HOT in colorado right now, right??? How's the wife, kids, dog?
Laochie: I know!!
Jadey: I wore red tennis all day yesterday in preparation! LOL :D and tell Myst she has good taste in toys :D
Aafrica: I shall endeavor to be brave! We are heading out tomorrow morning (Friday) EEE!! I'm very excited :D
Pop n Ice: for real, right? The guys keep laughin at work cuz I'll saunter over to the big screen display and shake my fist at it :)
Hide under the bed!!!! Bring water!
I'm back and just wanted you to know that yesterday was Buzz's (Whitey) birthday. Today, Bonnie posted a rebuttal!! I can't beleive she eats with that mouth!!
I'll try to keep all three off my computer!! Sorry....
Hope the storm misses you and you have a GREAT vacation!!! I'll be checking the weather channel!
I looked at the link & it looks sunny there!!!!!!
i hope you are out there safe and dry.
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