It was a fantabulous day!
Brilliant sunshine shared with the ones I love and good friends.
Life at its best, People.
We headed out early this morning, picked up our caravan of friends and headed up the I-5 to Mt St Helens.
We stopped at several observatories. The view/s were un-describably beautiful.
MiniWarrior said it best:
"Mom, I can hardly stand it! It's so amazing I think my eyes are gonna pop out!"

We roamed around the museum at the top for awhile. MiniWarrior got a book on bugs--his current obsession. Us adults snapped pics and sauntered checking all the info-facts out on the explosion and the recovery process.
Can you believe the POWER of the blast? It literally BLEW the top of the tree over.

We were able to see right into the Mountain to see the developing mass. It delighted MiniWarrior with its puffs of steam.

MiniWarrior checking out a herd of Elk

The Elk

It really was amazing to see the devastation still--after 27 years.

Life is hardy and perseveres. Hmm..I suppose there's a lesson in that.

Gads. I'm tired. It was a grand time, Folks.

Tomorrow I'll tell you about Kayaking and the Leech.
he said that? he said his eyes were to pop out because of the beautiful scenery? he is such a little poet.
the lesson i've learned from my recent trips of natural wonders is that life goes on no matter what. adjust to it then await for the next blast.
Aafrica: Lol. MiniPoet? :D
You are right on the adjust--await the next blast.
Strawberry.... hmmm... I was wondering what it was that blocked the camera. :D
On a good day I can see the mountan from my hill. Someday I must see it close.
ooooooo.... Two of my favorite things!! Kat Kayaking and leeches!!! I can't wait!! Looked like a fine time was had.
Hope you got a pic of the leech!!
MiniWarrior's quote makes me smile. I'll have to borrow it.
I LOVE what your little guy does indeed say it best.
I hpoe you have a good nights rest.
"ahhhhh", sighed the MotherHenDragon, "out of the mouths of babes, eh Kat? the awesome beauty in the aftermath of one of Mother Natures temper tantrums seen through the eyes of an innocent! scritches to you and the wee 'an"
*gasp*.. you just said Fantabulous! hahahah, I thought I made that up! It's great to see such great vocabulary here! (I'm excited about it, can you tell?!!)
The pictures are stunning.. thank you for sharing!
Mei Lian: I can see the mountain most days on my commute home from work. I don't know why I waited this long to go see it up close! We went camping there as kids--I could not believe how much had changed from the blast.
Bob-a-roo: You crack me up!! lol
Loofa: I should write a book from all his quotes. Hilarious stuff!
Cindy: MiniWarrior's take on life is always fun to listen to. I DID get a good nights sleep *thank you!* I slept over 10 hours!!
MotherhenDragon: (love the name!) Listening to MiniWarriors wonderment made the trip a magical time. :D *purrrrssss at the scritches and headbutts a dragon scale*
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