Most of the pictures I took were on the road home. I snapped a gazillion of them as I wasn't sure if any would turn out. Hard to focus zooming along in a convertible with the wind whipping by!
Here are some images of the fantastic scenery I got to see in Eastern Oregon:
SunRiver Canoes


Doesn't this look like a painting?

Warm Springs Indian Reservation

I tried to capture Mt Hood but she was being elusive

Traveling Mt Hood Road

Some AWESOME pix you have there! Oregon is quite a place!
Glad you had a good time!
scritches and hugs
the Other Dragon
Those are beautiful and amazing pictures....
But where in the hell is civilization??
Hi Kat,
Thanks for stopping by!
Yup I'm doing better today my throat is still hurts a little but, it's going away.
The pics are beautiful, I'm glad you had a good time.
I miss going on road trips...One of these days I will get the chance again I'm sure....Hmmm maybe I''l blog about what I think is the perfect road trip. Thanks for the idea!
Those pictures are fantastic! They really give us an idea of what Oregon is like!
DragonladyBeth: You know, when I am settled again and can offer a spot in my (new) home, you should come out and visit! I'd drag you around :D We'd have a grand time!
*scritch scritch*
Slick: LOL! I'm (back) living in civilization. I have to admit, I love visiting the vast country but I wouldn't wanna live there. I felt shivers of happiness everytime we drove through a town that had SHOPS!
Cindy: Good to hear you're healing!! Grand news, indeed! Road trips are fun. Where would you go if you could go on one? I'm curious!!
LaChanson: Yeah--Oregon/Washington is beautiful. I sometimes am overwhelmed by the rain--but the green is worth it! I need the green! Eastern Oregon (my pics) is very Desert and dry. Hence the shrub/mesa shots! I couldn't live in all that brownness.
Wow, stunning photos!
Laoch: Thank you :) I'm glad you enjoyed them.
You live in such a beautiful part of the country!! And those pics were AWESOME!! Happy that you had a good time! I need a road trip!! A REAL one! The last one was to downtown L.A.......YUK!! Maybe down PCH in the 350Z???? If so I'll bring the camera!!
Well Kat my perfect road trip would be one where I was with a good friend or two, and we put a map of Canada and the US on the walland threw darts at it and where the darts landed that's where we'd go, no set rout or time limit. And we'd only stay in B&B's along the way.
Have a Great week!
be careful what you ask for, my fine feline friend......... :D
many scritches!
the Winged One
Bob-a-roo: I had to scritch my head and think for a second what you meant by PCH--then I remembered watching The Closer last night on TV. Pacific Coast Hiway! EEEK! The Closer was about the PCH serial killer! ACK! lol
I bet the pics you would get would be AWESOME!! (barring any serial killer run-ins...)
After reading your Ms Serious post on her traumatic Tweezers moment, I think she needs a road trip!! Make it an Oregon one!! :D *hugsss*
Cindy: that sounds wwwwwwonderful! and the B&B idea---purrrr purrrr. I must steal your idea!! *hugss*
Wingied One: I'm always careful around dragons :D I keep special dragon snacks incase one should swoop down and visit! *purrrsss and head butts a Dragon scale*
Damn, you're making me want to hit the road now.
Loofa: The open road is seductive!
Hi Kat,
I really would LOVE to be able to do a "Visit Blog Buddies road trip", that would be SOOO much fun!
I've had the Driver/Bodygaurd idea for sometime now....
Honestly when I came up with it I had a certain person in mind, but if I had ANYTHING to do with him now, a few of my friends would never speak to me again, (after they took turns kicking my butt that is.) Yes, he was/is a very BAD boy!
I hope you are having a great evening!
such nice pictures!
another wedding? no pirates this time?
Cindy: Bad boys can be delicious trouble --hehehe
Aafrica: Yeah. Family wedding this time--no pirates :( boo!
My digital camera my trunk (?) but you have just motivated me to pull it out and TAKE ROAD TRIP PHOTOS WITH CATS! Okay, maybe I'll leave them here, but thanks for sharing your gorgeous photos =:)
say anything: OOoo from what I remember you take marvelous pictures!! yes! you definetly must---AND you must take pics of the kittens--I bet they are all grown now??
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