WHY. Why why why why WWWWWWWWHY???? Would you keep a SPIDER as a PET?!!

(read full story HERE)
Yeah. OK. The fact that that creepy hairy thing had FANGS large enough for the guy to see puts it right on top of my list of Creep-eeeeooooo!!
UGH. *shudder*
I gotta go dose myself with Prozac now.
---find a happy place---find a happy place---

You know how I feel about damn spiders. Some people are looney as hell.....
Slick: Oh I know...and even scarier--those people BREED! *shudders and curls into a fetal ball*
You forgot to mention the fact that this spider can jump THREE FEET!!!!!! That's what really got to me!!!
But it really is a pretty spider... HAHA!!
Bob-a-roo: ACK! I had forgotten that part--thanks for refreshing my TRAUMA!
and wth? PRETTY? Tsk. My dearest Bob-a-roo...me thinks you need to get your glasses updated. *pats you sympathetically* they say the eyes change with age....(hehehe)
Would you keep a SPIDER as a PET?!!
Maybe for late night snacking.
The words 'spider' and 'pretty' should NOT be used in the same sentence!!!!!!!!!!!
Ever seen what happens when a mouse runs in front of an elephant?
Well...its even WORSE when a spider runs in front of a DRAGON!
I have enough spiders crawling around. Who needs more?
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