Here's a video I took of the sighting...
Click here to watch "Pirate-Ship-57"
Mia Lian sent me a link to a picture of the pirate boat with its sails unfurled!
Thanks, Mia Lian--you rawk!
Check it.

so, was johnny depp abord? if so im tossin u overboard and im 1st mate..
FlipFlop: Mutiny! To the brigg with you! Arrrrr...
The pictures and video are great!
Thanks for thinking of me, the sound of the water is so nice....I WANNA go to the beach! And I was going to before this happened since the Chiro went so well....Oh well the beaches in Vancouver are still nice in the Fall...
Cindy: Fall time is my favorite time of the year :)
Great stuff!!!!
And as for your foot tapping and new 'LOVE' of country music? I am slowly enticing you from the 'Dark Side'!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
I have seen this boat. Here it is with full sails. Junk
Mmmmm.... Cannot even hear the word 'pirate' without thinking of Johnny Depp in all his delicious piratey yummyness. *sigh*
Now that's freakin' neat!!
bob-a-roo: the power of the country force is strong with you! must.try.to.resist...Ehn!
Mei Lian: Awesome!! Thank you!
Mrs X: Purrrssssss with you >:) purr purr purrrr
Slickness: it was!!
My best friend lives in Port Townsend (runs a B & B) and sent me a photo of that same ship!!
Bob-a-roo: Small world, huh?!! :D
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