I'm sorry you hurt your arm! I drew you some pictures to make you feel better.
My favorite thing is grasshoppers. Do you like grasshoppers?
I caught a 2 inch grasshopper today. It freaked my Mom when it jumped at her.
I hope your arm gets better.
I got my cast off Tuesday and now I wear a blue shoe.
Thanks for your drawing. I liked it a lot. You draw good!
AWW! that is very sweet, and I will be sure to show it to Tessa when she gets home.....She is doing some shopping for me....I had a bad fall yesterday and I have a comprestion of one of my vertibra...Yeah I'm not walking much.
Thank you MW from Tessa!
(I'm sure she will send you a note when she gets back)
OK, that was cute we were leaving comments at the same time....LOL!
Dear Miniwarrior,
Thank you sooo much! I love the pictures of the grasshoppers. I love bugs! It is so cool that you found a 2 inch grasshopper. I wish that we had 2 inch grasshoppers, there aren't many here. My shoulder's doing fine, should heal in no time. When it get's better I'll draw you something :) any requests?
Too darned CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! New Bestest friends!!!
Oh yeah!! And you have more mail!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
how damn cute is that?
Cheerful pictures
Hi Kat,
Thanks for asking how I am today....I don't mean to be a whinner but today isn't good...
But Tessa is doing alot better and that IS good.
Thanks again!!!
Hi Kat,
Yeah it's going to take some time to heal...It would probably go faster if I could get a couple of days off but that's not possible...The timing couldn't have been worse...Tessa is working ALOT, yes she is being careful of her arm as I am with my back...If I walk I use the old lady walker with a buildt in seat my friend rented for me and I have the kids doing all the bending and lifting for me, and when Tessa is home she cooks.
OH! Tessa wanted me to tell MW that she got to see a 2 inch grasshopper last night when she went to do some pre popping (for opening day of the PNE) she opened on of the big kettles and out it jumped...Right in her bosses face...LOL!
Cindy and Tessa: MiniWarrior laughed heartily at the grasshopper jumping on your boss! He wants to know what color it was?
I must warn you. There is no end to questions.
Run away.
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