It looks like I'll be heading to Houston around the 9th of November. Why EWO couldn't call and tell me herself, I don't know. I am quite used to getting the obscure phone call from someone I've never met who knows my mother and is passing on a message from her.
*eye roll*
I've decided to take MiniWarrior with me. I just have gut feeling that I should. That he should see EWO. With the state of her heart and her age (83) could be the last time he gets to see her--or at least the last time she will get to see him before he becomes a full blown teenager.
I talked with him about it and how he would have to be a mini adult during the trip. No whining, no complaining during long doctor visits--plus the 6 hour plane ride to Houston.
He thought about it and was a little scared that he'd be massively bored...but you know what made his final decision to go? The fact that he would be with me for an entire week instead of a half that he usually spends at his Dad's house and then mine.
I think he is the reason for global warming. He can melt the coldest icecap with his sweetness.
I love my Mini Man.