Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Fang Update

Thanks to all who wished me well on my Fang appointment.
Good more pain.
Bad news...I lost the fang. Apparently I had split it down the middle and the Dentist could not repair it with a crown.
I now have a gaping hole in the middle of my upper molars.

Nothing makes you feel OLD like a Dentist sitting discussing a partial to replace a missing fang.


Mei said...

We will be sure to feed you softer foods in your advanced age. ;)

aafrica said...

i hope fang received a proper burial after her many years of service.

Haphazardkat said...

Aafrica: I told the Dental assistant to bury it...although I warned her that I had better not find it on ebay! :P

Mei Lian: ha ha ha ha! Man, I've never craved chips so much as NOW!! I can't have them for at least 3 weeks! :( *cries*

Anonymous said...

When I had my wisdom teeth removed, I wanted to keep them but when the dentist told me that he usually donates them to classrooms for students to learn about dentistry, I withdrew my request.

Haphazardkat said...

Loofa: I wonder if they extracted any wisdom in the dental classes? :)
I've never had wisdom teeth taken out. This was my first fang extraction...yet...I don't feel any wiser. Hmm...

Sultan said...

Ugh! I hope the discomfort will pass soon.

Anonymous said...

Hello there - i'm sorry you lost a fang - but it appears you are on the road to fang recovery! :D I am certain the remaining fangs will "fill in" for the lost one......
Happy Dragon scritches to my very favorite KAT!!!!!!!! :D

Haphazardkat said...

Bob: I decided to hold off making the soup. I was afraid of tiny hamburger particles at war with gaping new hole from loss of fang!

Laoch: I know--Ugh is exactly the right word! :)

Dragonlady: My man laughs at me cuz I have a lisp now from my tongue getting stuck in the fangless hole! ...he likes to live dangerously ... :>