A most excellent film! It was very involved so if you haven't watched it yet, do not plan on multi tasking while viewing the movie or you'll miss important facts.
I've always loved Leonardo Dicaprio since he played the mentally challenged boy in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape".

And of course, who doesn't love Jack Nicholson?

Matt Damon played his slick, smart, devious self. He's intelligent in that he stays in the roles that match his persona. I can't imagine him being able to ever pull off a scruffy punk villain role.

Alec Baldwin was good. He down played his usually larger then life over the top acting image. He played a strong backup character.

Martin Sheen was good as the Captain. Has he ever acted in anything that's bombed??

Mark Wahlberg aka Markie Mark was (surprisingly)superb as a loud mouth arrogant Sergeant.

There were many more well known actors that played small parts in the movie. Too many to remember and also to list. If you haven't seen this movie yet, I would highly recommend you do so!
On a side note. I had to post this picture of Jodi Foster on the Red Carpet at the Academy Awards. Has she EVER looked BETTER?!!

wreeoww! There are alot of movies this time that I can't wait to buy used!
Jadey: With the easy availability of DVD's now-a-days, I usually don't purchase movies anymore. However, I did purchase this one :)
I am looking forward to seeing this film.
Laoch: It's a complex movie. I think you'll really enjoy it :D
Bob: Yes, you are right. I could use Ground Turkey--but to make the meatloaf taste fabulous I'd have to add ingredients that would spin me off my crazy diet.
I'll have to save the idea for an "off diet" time :D
Bob: Faboo? LOL!! I figure I have about a year to go before I've reached my goal. It's moving much slower now but it's still moving!! :D
but i really wanted Little Miss Sunshine to win :(
Aafrica: I have not seen that movie.
Painfully honest moment:
Husband and I saw "The Departed" months ago, when it first came out. I thought it was fine, I guess, but I got confused.
First of all, I could hardly tell Matt Damon and Mark Wahlberg apart. I was forever asking Husband, "Is that John or Joe?" (or whatever their characters' names were)
Next, I'm always very busy looking at other people and eating my snacks, so if a movie gets a bit complicated, I'm lost. I want movies to be entertainment, not work.
And I felt like I had to work too hard at that one.
Husband, on the other hand, has now seen it about 30 jillion times.
Apparently, he's not addled by handsome young men who all look the same.
Kay: I kept getting the Matt and Leo confused too!!!
It was a very involved movie!
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