I was going to leave a lengthy comment for him about a couple of my Ghost experiences, then nixed the idea and decided to steal his Blog idea and tell my stories here.
(I might have to join a 12 step blog stealing program after this! lol)
Now, let me start off by saying I am an Agnostic. I have studied many religions in college and throughout the years but I do not hold any set belief in an Afterlife. Thus, the idea of "ghosts" would normally be on my "yeah right" side of beliefs...however...
In the early 90's, I was living in an older house I was renting with my 1st husband. It was a two bedroom house with a full cemented in basement where we kept our office and washer/dryer. My ex often hung out in the basement doing laundry or plinking on the computer. One day I was drying my hair, in the bathroom that was located beside the stairs to the basement, when I heard my Ex calling to me from the basement.
I couldn't quite make out what he was saying, so I turned off the blow dryer so I could hear him better. He was still not talking loud enough for me to distinguish what he was saying, so I yelled down the stairway to him.
"What? What did you say?"
I saw a flash of him walking around the corner of the basement towards the washer/dryer area.
"...mumble, mumble..."
"What? I can't hear you. What do you need?" I called out.
"...mumble, mumble..."
I put my foot on the first step to walk down to the basement when my Ex walked around the corner of the kitchen and stood beside me looking down into the basement.
"Who are you talking to?" He asked, peering down the stairs into the basement.
I wheeled around and looked at him, then looked down at the basement in horror.
"OMG! I thought it was YOU down there talking to me!" I shrieked.
I grabbed him and pushed him in front of me towards the basement. "Go down there and see who that is!"
He went hesitantly downstairs and walked around checking every corner.
No one.
It was a few weeks later that I mentioned this to the old lady who lived next door to us.
"Oh. There was an older man who lived there who committed suicide in the basement." She told me, casually.
Yeah. Um. We moved out shortly after that conversation!!!

So what do you think you saw?
I swear, I've felt my mother's breath on my cheek when I've been at my sickest lately. Maybe it's wishful thinking, maybe it's her.
I prefer to think it's her.
Not all ghost stories are bad. ; )
Kay: I know I saw a man wearing a short sleeve button up shirt walk around the corner of the basement. That's why I was so freaked when my Ex came and stood by me UPSTAIRS! lol
I never felt anything "bad" in that house. Never once felt afraid. It did freak me out though to think of the guy killing himself in that basement.
I don't know what I think about "ghosts". I do think that there is such energy in the human spirit that it just can't "poof" away after death. I'm open to the idea that your Mom is watching over you and giving you comfort during your tough times. I know if there IS life after death, I would move heaven and hell to get back to offer comfort to my son when he was hurting on this Earth.
Bob: LOL--thanks!! I finally was able to comment on Spaces blogs. What the heck was up with a weeks worth of maintenance??
yikes! i have goosebumps under this bright daylight!
i have a ghost. Cody is his name. i'd like to think he is my guardian angle of a sort. but he is a ghost neverthless.
Aafrica: You do??? Details, woman...DETAILS! oh wait...maybe you posted it on your blog...zooms to look.
I have been quite bothered for a few years about the fact that I WASN't visited by my kitty friend of 18 years...all the cats in my life have hung around for at least a week after death... But not her- I was devistated.
i didn't see the cartoon last time. it reminds me of my condo hunting days several years back. basically, all the condos i liked, i couldn't afford. except for one, the floor plan was nice, it was big, and the price was right. so i drove to the neighborhood--i just moved into town not long at the time--then i realized why it was cheap: the patio had a nice view to a graveyard.
i'll write about Cody this weekend ;)
Hi KAT!!!!!!!!!!! Its me - the old Dragon! Dunno if I'm really "back" yet but - I finally had some time to make my "rounds" and do a little catch up!
First - let me give you a VERY BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE!!!!!!!!!!! I think your diet determination is absolutely FANTASTIC! And I'm THRILLED to hear you have had success with it.
Secondly - I think you should post the name of the judge and district attorney somewhere and we can all throw hate mail their way - of all the STUPID STUPID ARROGANT &$#%*@ IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!! Why in heavens name did they NOT THINK to ask the little guy WHY?! UGH UGH UGH!!!!!!
I am a firm believer in the presence of spirits or ghosts - whatever you'd like to call them. The night my aunt (one I was VERY close to) passed, I was on the phone in her house with my then soon-to-be-husband. At the moment of her death, ALL the lights went out. BUT only on the second floor where her bedroom had been. My brother was downstairs watching television - I asked and NOTHING had happened there. NOTHING. The phone also went dead - for something slightly less than 60 seconds.
I've also heard the bells from my two boys as they played with each other in the old house.... and I'd often see the rugs bunched up in the morning - just the way they used to leave them. Its rather comforting to me to know they are still there.
Anyway - now that I've just about run you out of space....
I'll try not to be away so long next time.
I really have missed everyone!
Take care!
Bob: I don't know what is up with SPACES. Firefox used to work great with it! hmmph.
I agree. We SHOULD do a ghost story weekend!
Jadey: That's cool that your other cats visited you. I wonder why your oldest one didn't? Probably busy chasing a mouse across the Universe :)
Aafrica: My parents once bought a house that sat against a mud cliff. On top of the cliff was a graveyard. I used to have nightmares of there being a mudslide and a bunch of carcass's falling onto our house. *shudder*
DRAGON!!!!!! I've missed you! *happy scritches and BIG hugssss to you!*
As for the defense attorney and judge--well--someday I hope karma pays them back for their ignorance and greed (greed on the defense attorney's part because she used to be a PROSECUTING attorney to put away people who abused kids--and now she defends the same scumbags she used to fight to put in prison.)
I'm just glad MiniWarrior has healed and has moved on with his life without too much scarring. That's the most important thing to me.
That's a pretty awesome story about your Aunt and the lights in her room!!! I'd have freaked a bit :| to be honest....
In some ways its really cool to think there are ghosts...but in other ways um...how do I put this delicately...I don't want to think of someone whom I used to love being able to watch me ALL the time...*cough* Kind of uhhh um...inhibits certain "romantic" times. If ya know what I mean?!! :D
big big hugssss to my favorite Dragon OOOOOoooo
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