Yes, I'm still on my diet.
I've lost 25lbs so far.
I have settled into a routine instead of thinking of myself as "on a diet" and have also come to the realization that this is going to take more time then I estimated.
It's amazing to me the change of mindset that has come about. Portions, seems to be the biggest lesson. I can't believe the amount of food that I thought was "normal" to sit down and eat in one sitting. I thought nothing of eating a burger with fries washed down with a diet soda.
One day I went with my co-worker to a burger place for lunch. I decided to give myself a break from the healthy stuff I had been eating and treat myself to a nice, fat burger.
I followed the diet rules of only ordering one item, if deciding to eat out. To skip french fries, onion rings..etc. I felt pretty good about resisting the side of Onion rings and took my burger back to my desk at work.
The burger was huge and sinfully delicious. Afterwards I googled the burger place and looked up what the calories were for that burger so I could decide what to eat for dinner (based on the calories I had just consumed). I felt my heart stop at the details that flashed up on my screen.
950 calories
65 fat grams
Holy Fatness!! I felt instantly sick. That was an entire days worth of calories!
So, yeah. I won't be going there again. It just stripped the joy of consuming that burger right out of me.
My weight plateaued for almost a month after I lost the first 20lbs. I started to get frustrated and down hearted that maybe this "diet" was only good for the initial weight loss and then, nothing. But, I started really looking at the amount of calories I was eating a day and was surprised to discover I was under eating. I was eating, on most days, 5-600 calories. Not enough.
I took myself off the diet and started eating regular meals. I went out a few times during my diet break and ate restaurant food. I quickly became frustrated at the amount of food served me. I was going out to eat with my guy who generously paid for the meals so I felt obligated to not waste the food...but it was so MUCH!
Therein is a dilemma. People who diet end up sounding like food zealots. I know this is annoying to listen to so I have tried to temper my own food rants. But, when given a full meal at a restaurant, how do you not come off like a zealot? The person eating with you doesn't want to see you portion off your food into a to go box, it makes them feel uncomfortable while they eat their own meal. They also feel uncomfortable if you only order a cup of soup or small appetizer. (fortunately my guy is very supportive and truly understands my war against being fat)
So, what does one do?
I've come to some conclusions.
1. I won't eat out with anyone who will push me to eat a full meal so they don't feel uncomfortable eating their meal.
2. I need to look upon eating the wrong foods as if it were an alcoholic drink given to an alcoholic. I know when ordering a personal pizza or burger and fries that I'm not going to stop at the amount I should be eating. Which is about one quarter of that burger and fries or personal pizza.
It's literally a war. You fight not only your own habits but also the habits others want to impose on you so they can feel comfortable. I know. I've been on the other side of the Diet Zealot and have been the one rolling my eyes at them.
A war against your own bad habits is a very personal thing. It's not about anyone else. Believe me, it's exhausting enough battling my own evil inner voices, I'm not in the least concerned about what another person is or isn't eating.
After the 2 week break from my "diet" I am now back on it and amazingly, I didn't gain 1 pound while off it and the scale has once again starting moving downward.
The battle continues.

Keep chugging!
Laoch: :) I think I can I think I can I think I....
have a piece of chocolate before a main course curbs my apetite. not to mention it brightens the mood :)
Aafrica: I think I like your diet idea better than mine! :)
Hi Kat! Well - with the help of my man - I have begun my own "War on Food". He told me he would support me and help in any way I wanted him to! This is the first BIG thing I've ever done in my life where someone is actually going to support me! I stopped drinking, smoking and divorced with no real support and a whole lot of staring down the vice I was giving up....... So - this is gonna be really different! I've tried before - I have a very positive attitude this time so - here goes!
I hope you keep posting your own diet trials and tribulations because I really admire all that you've done so far and I'm looking at you as a GREAT example of how to keep at something that isn't exactly easy!
The hopefully shrinking dragon
Dragonlady: You have the heart of a Dragon. Once you put your mind to something you've proven successful. Look at your past accomplishments!!
I'm happy you have someone who's got your back during this war. I truly do believe it is a war. It's a war for our health, not just out new pant size (but that kicks ass too as a side benefit!! :D
I'll be here cheering my favorite Dragon on!!
*big hugssss and scritches*
In my own experience, weight loss always slows down after the initial period. The first month might show rapid progress, but afterwards I have to fight for it or just be patient. Also, starving yourself is definitely not the answer. The body's metabolism slows down then, and starts storing energy. If you get a little exercise in, you can even eat more than usual and boost the metabolism at the same time. Just keep at it. You've done a lot so far.
Remember how successful Weight Watchers was for me?
So I went back on the plan, but decided to skip the meetings.
Clearly, I need the meetings. I need to be held accountable.
In the past two days, I have eaten an entire 1-lb. bag of Smarties, the little rolls filled with tart candies.
Things are not going at all well for this portion-whore; I'm glad at least one of us is having success!
One of the advantages I've found over the years with being a vegetarian is that I usually end up splitting meals with the other vegetarian(s) at the table. We all want to know what the other dishes taste like just in case we ever visit that some restaurant again.
Loofa: I agree with you! I bought a treadmill (go craigslist!) and I really enjoy trudging on it while watching a show on TV. I hate being bored :D
With the crappy Washington weather we've been having, it's really nice to be able to have a place to walk.
Kay: I notice with myself that if I tell myself I'm going to go through a period of food denial I'll panic and eat volumes of the wrong food. It's one of the reasons I like the idiot diet. You know after 11 days you can eat those smarties if you want :D
ksgrrl: I like that idea! My guy and I shared two different salads at a restaurant the other day. It made it more interesting. although MY salad was much better than his. lol :D
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